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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A.      Sprint 60m @ 80% X 2, rest 2:00 between each
        Sprint 60m @ 90% X 2, rest 2:00 between each
        Sprint 60m @ 100% X 2, rest 2:00 between each
B.      On the Minute for 10 minutes:
        10 Box Jumps – 24”/18”
        5 Clap Push-ups
Coachs notes:  Post times for all sprints and notes regarding B to comments. 

Comments: 13

A. 60% 17.66 / 16.88
80% 15.88
Then had some issues with my glute so went inside to stretch and roll

B. Push ups from knees

Thanks Ali and Colin. It was chilly out there this am

A. 80% – 12:84/13:56
90% – 12:75/13:50
100% – 13:28/13:25
B. Was so messed up I don’t think I did any full round on any minute! Yuck!!
Thanks Michelle for your awesome “semi-private” coaching! Loved it as always!

A) Didn’t time but from past sprinting experience, stab in the dark guess around:
80% – Around 9:50
90% – Around 9:20
100% – Around 8:90

Completed 9 sets in under 30 seconds, 10th sets in 32 seconds.
Clappers for 6 sets, 3 clappers / 2 normal for sets 7 & 8, normal pushups for sets 9 & 10.

A) why does my 80% feel like my 100%?
B) completed most sets in 29-31 seconds; kneeling push ups; no clap for me!

Thank you Laura and 5:00 rebels.

good wod, followed by day1 of stronglifts

A) 13s @ 80%, 11s@90%, 10s@100%
B) dnf, made it only to minute 7 before doing next workout

Thanks Laura, nice to meet you!

A.) don’t know times but felt good to be outside:)
B.) rounds 1-5 as rx’d then finished with regular pushups from toes.
Fun WOD, thanks Laura!

A. enjoyed the sprints
B. 8 rds
A. sprints were a great way to get back into running
B. did 10 rds..box jumps -alternating between stepping up and jumping up
– first 2 rds of pushups with claps after that just pushups -all from knees
Thanks Laura your alot of fun! CFC has the best coaches.

A.) I like running downhill more then uphill
B.) As rx’d each round between 18-20 seconds.
Thanks for putting up with the 5pm “rebel” class Laura, fun times.

A – not sure of the times, but the sprints felt good. Great to be out running again; too bad the sun went away just as we stepped outside.
B – as Rx’d. “Chest to deck” became easier and easier, since I was pretty much falling after I clapped.

A: a little trouble gauging 80-90 %

B: as rx’d

A. It was a bit chilly but nice to be outside. Not sure about times
B. Each sets between 22-30 sec. Clapping push-ups from knees.
Thanks Laura

A: 15.25, 15.69, 15.44, 15.62, 15.56, 15.44 running up hill in the wind didn’t help

A. didn’t record times
B. 18″ box. For clap PU started from toes for first 2 rounds, rest from knees

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