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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Shoulder Press – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Coach’s notes: This is an overhead press with barbell; no hips used, legs locked and full lockout overhead at finish.  It is one of the big 3 CF (CrossFit) total movements.  Add weight per set up to your 1 rep max, then try to repeat the same weights for the reverse from 2-5 reps on the other side of the max.  Post load per set and BWT (body weight) to comments.

Compare to Monday, November 19, 2007

CrossFit Calgary is now offering CrossFit Kids classes.  Check out the details here!

Comments: 8

‘kipping class tonight, so did the WOD at lunch
This was a frustrating one as I was all over the place and failed a bunch of reps I thought I was able to do.


77lbx5, 92lbx4, 107×3, 117×1 + 1(f), 127 (f), 117(f), 107×2, 92×4, 87×8

Misjudged this one. Previous PR’s in sets of 3 was 165 and one rep PR was 185. Both times all sets in 3’s or 1’s. Using those weights in mind but not the rep scheme I made a mess of this.

135 X5
155 X4
165 X2 X 1 fail
170 X 1 fail
155 X2 X 1fail
135 X5

Lesson lerned for next time.
bwt 195lbs

Speaking of “learning lessons” 🙂
Kari and I weren’t sure of how to determine loads, so we ended up a little light at the 1 max rep…. now we have numbers so we can push it higher next time.
44 x5, 54 x4, 59 x3, 61.5 x2, 65 x1 max
61.5 x2, 59 x3, 59 x4, then 54 x5

Never thought I type this on CF Calgary…but “we could have gone heavier”
Next time!!

We’re supposed to post our body weight??

110 x 5
130 x 4
154 x 3
164 x 1
164 x 1
159 x 2
154 x 2
140 x 4
135 x 5

61.5 x 5
failed on 4 reps attempt
61.5 x 3
64 x 2
66.5 x 1
66.5 x 2
64 x 3
61.5 x 4
50 x 5
all over the map

64 x 5, 69 x 4, 74 x 2(failed 3rd), 74 x 2, 79 x 1, 81.5 (thanks to JC’s 2 finger assist!) 74x 2, 69 x 3, 69 x 3 (failed 4th), 64 x 4 (failed 5th)

85 x 5
95 x 4
110 x 3
125 x 2
135 x 1
125 x 2
110 x 5
95 x 8
85 x 8

50 x 5
55 x 4
60 x 3
65 x 2
70 x 1
65 x 2
60 x 3
55 x 4
50 x 5

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