Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A1. Push Press – 2-3 reps x 4 sets, rest 90 seconds
A2. Weighted Back Extension – 8-12 reps x 4 sets @ 2011 , rest 90 seconds
B1. Shoulder Press – 4-6 reps x 4 sets @ 31×1, rest 90 seconds
B2. Single Arm DB Row – 8-10 reps x 4 sets@ 30×1 , rest 90 seconds
Note: For the DB row keep the elbow or arm at 90 degrees to the body.
Coach’s notes: Post loads for all sets to comments.
Formerly amazonbroad…I really like this kind of work-out.
A1 55/60/70/75
A2 20/25/30/35
B1 45/55/55/55
B2 25/25/30/30
Thanks for your enthusiasm & coaching, Michelle. Great job, girls 🙂
A1: 95 x 3, 105 x 3, 115 x 3, 125 x 2
A2: 20 x 12, 25 x 12, 30 x 9, 30 x 9 – i knew i would be staying light here, lower back fatigued coming into this
B1: 65 x 6, 75 x 6, 80 x 5, 85 x 3
B2: used 10 lbs for 2 sets then 15 lbs for 2 sets – first time doing this and i know i have some “awareness” issues when doing single arm shoulder exercises so took it easy
A1. 85,95,105,115 *could have probably gone a bit heavier
A2. 25,30,35,45 *only did 8 reps with 45 lbs because I was losing height with tempo
B1. 55,65,70,77*failed on 4th rep
B2. 20,25,25,30*stopped at rep 5 with left arm … Just looking too ugly! Right arm full set – guess I know which is weaker!!
Thanks Michelle! Haven’t done too many wods like this especially with tempo! Like them, but certanly more challenging! Maria, nice work on DB rows!
Neil A1. 135×3/145×2/145×1/135×3
A2. 5/15/20/25 x12
B1. 75/85/95 x6 … Ran out of time for rd 4
B2. 35/25/20 x10 each side…Ran out of time for rd 4
Judy A1. 45/56/61/66 x 3
A2. 5/15/25/35 x 12
B1. 22/27 x 6 ..rand out of time for rds 3&4
B2. 20/25 x 10 each side ..ran out of time for rds 3&4
It was crazy busy but alot of fun..thanks Chantal!!
Love these WODs
A1: 75/80/85/90 (x3)
A2: 20/25/30/40 (x12)
B1: 45/55/60 (x6)/65×4
B2: 15/20/25/30 (x10)
I really enjoyed this WOD. Good work Katie. You are a great workout partner.
Thanks Chantal for the great coaching.
Lynette, I hope you are ok!!! I wish you a fast recovery, both physically and mentally! I am thinking of you!
A1: 85/95/105/110 (x3)
A2: 20/25/30/40 (x12)
B1: 55×6/65×6/75×4 F5/80×3 F4
B2: 15/20/25 (x10)/30 x 8
Anita thanks for sharing, you are doing amazing in all of the lifts and always help to push me ! Great class and coaching Chantal, thanks!
**Lynette, Hughie and I are thinking of you too and hope that you are alright.
A1. 135/155/175/175 x3
A2. 0x12/25×11/30×10/35×9
B1. 95/105/105
B2. 35×10/35×9/35×9
Thinking of you Lynnette! Speedy recovery!