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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


As many rounds in 20 minutes:


2 Muscle-ups

8 Dumbbells Cleans

12 Dumbbell Push Press

Coach’s notes:  If you cannot do muscle-ups, substitute 3 pull-ups and 3 dips for each muscle-up.  Guys use 25 lbs. for cleans and push press and gals use 15lbs.  Post number of completed rounds to comments.


Comments: 8


Front Squat for Load 5,5,3,3,1,1 – 180sec rest
136.5,146.5,156.5,164,169,174 (pb)

5min max reps 1.5 pood KB Swings
Reps 77


WOD in Class

Sub’d Muscle Up’s with 3 band assisted pull up’s and 6 parallette bar dips

9 rounds +3 PU and 6 PD

Thanks J.C. Great Workout!

6 PU & 6 dips subbed muscle ups
25lb DB’s
9rds even

Sub”d Muscle ups for 6 jumping chin ups(from floor) and 6 jumping rope dips(did 2 sets of parallettes)
Used 17.5lbs dumbbells
6 rounds + 6PU+6dips and 2 cleans

WOD in class
band assisted pullups (purple band)
jumping rope dips (did 2 sets of parallettes)
Used 15lb db as rx’d (at least THAT was without modification!)
you know…I’m really bad at keeping count of the rounds as well as the reps.
General consensus is that I did between 8 and 12 rounds. I think it was 10 plus 6 pullups.
Thanks JC!

Great workout. Knew it would finish in 20 min so practiced kipping with the band, and using the rings for dips. Perfect weight for the db — heavy enough but also light enough so that you didn’t want to divide the set up. Just like Paige, no idea on the # of rounds — say between 1 and 20. Thanks for your help & encouragement, JC.

Unsuccessfully attempted muscle-up

6 PU & 6 ring dips subbed muscle ups
25lb DB’s
6 rds & 2 PU’s

felt fatigued
Ran 2.5 – 8 min miles at lunch

12 push press short of 7 rounds
First 5 rounds with Muscle-ups
6th and 7th rounds with 6pullups + 6dips.
Had only ever done 2 muscle-ups before, first time doing them as part of a WOD.

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