Thursday, September 18, 2008
5, 10, 15 rep rounds for time:
Back Squat
Jumping Pull Up
Handstand Push Up (HSPU)
Coach’s notes: Guys use 225 lbs and gals use 135 lbs for back squat. For these pull ups bar must be 6″ or higher out of reach. Post time to complete to comments.
25:27 as rx’d (bs – 135#; bar 6″ out of reach)
HSPU’s were definately slow and couldn’t count every 1-2 out of 5, but got full ROM to the floor on all of the others. Thanks to Rob and Trevor for the coaching!!!
155# for the back sqaut (max weight at home and still a challenge for my chicken legs).
HSPU to 3″ Thk towel
Crescent Heights
5 rounds for time
10 dips or pushups (did 25/15)
20 dumbbell cleans (2X20 lbs.)
30 sit-ups
40 squats
Neil – 128lbs back squats – 18:41
Judy – 64lbs back squats, jumping pullups with blue band, 15lb db shoulder presses – 13:42….I really should have my very own website…one day i hope i can do as rx’d.
Oh yes…it is great to have you back in our class Yvette…we missed your smiling face and great attitude!
12:30ish– NOT as Rx’ed (no kidding, that was a bit of a no-brainer considering the rx’ed times were up in the 20’s).
BS – 80#, HSPU …..not the push-up part.
GREAT to be back! Missed you guys.
Outdoor class…similar to JeffL
5 rounds:
10 ring dips
20 Db squat cleans (used 30lb Dbs)
30 sit ups
40 squats
20:06…the squat cleans were brutal come round 5..
Same as Steve and Jeff (Outdoor Class)