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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Part 1 – Bench Press  3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1

Part 2 – One Set of AMRAP Pull Ups


Coach’s notes:  Post load for eahc set to comments and number of reps achieved in pull ups.


Comments: 21

6am class
5 rnds;
200m sprint / 15 push press @ 22# w. red plates / 200m sprint / 1 min. rest

Annie warm up 7:32 (50, 40, 30, 20, 10 of DU and Situps)
And as above (Thanks Amy)
Used 39# for the push press
Time is a little confusing because we are not sure what time the clock started at, but it was at 23:03 including the 4 mins of rest.
It was a great work out, thanks for the coaching on the presses Colin.

A belated Very ‘Happy Muscle Up’ Day to Coach Michelle!!! YOU ROCK!!!


120/2 plus 1 failed
125/1 plus 1 failed

15 Pull ups

115 x 3, 125 x 1, 120 x 3, 125 x 2 but bounced off chest, 125 x 1, 125 x 2, 130 x 1, 135 (f), 135 (f)… 21 pull-ups. was so close on 135 x 1. and PR on pull-ups despite raw hands from 3 hrs of bouldering yesterday.

PU – AMRAP = 30

95/3, 95/3, 95/3, 100/2, 100/2, 105/2, 105/1 plus 1 failed, 105/1, 105/1 failed (tired I suppose)
14 PU – hoping for more *next time* (hands felt pretty raw)
Thanks todd – great coaching on bench press

Katrin Lord is in the paper and promoting Fight Gone Bad. Way to go Katrin!

3’s 65/70/75
2’s 77.5/80/82.5 failed on second rep
1’s 82.5/85/87.5 failed

PU with pink-band (35lb) AMRAP- 20

95×3, 115×3, 125×3, 135×2, 145×2, 155×2(f), 155×1, 160×1, 165×1 (f)
18 PU

135*6, 145*3, 155*3, 155*2, 160*2, 162.5*1, 170*1 + 25 PULL UPs

2- 115/115/115
20 Pull-ups, had a bit of help on the bench. Didn’t feel too great today, will have to try this again when I am 100%. Chantal let me know when you want to make up that work-out g_i_jane15@hotmail.com.

(uggh) 95 x1 on bp and 24 pull ups(pretty easy). Rushed in weight and didnt rest enough. Thanks DJ!

3’s 205/215/225
2’s 230/232.5/235 (assisted)
1’s 235, 238 (assisted), 238

15 pull ups

Thanks DJ!

3’s 105/110/110
2’s 115/115/115 with some assistance
1’s 120/120/120 with some assistance

Forgot also did 20 pull-ups, thanks for the help DJ. Not feeling too great today, will have to try this one again when I feel 100%.

165, 185, 195,205,215 progression to 1rm
AMRAP= 50, 28 butterfly before switching to normal kip, didnt grind out the last few. Goal was 40 so I was blown away by this

I started too heavy on the triples and ended up having to go down in weight for the doubles and singles…

175×3, 180×3, 185×3(f), 185×2 (bit of assistance), 180×2 (same thing), 180×1, 180×1, 180×1 (some assistance on these singles too).

1RM for bench is 195, so I was a bit disappointed with these numbers.

28 pullups (PR by 2)

Cory I f I knew about your 28 I would have done 30 no problem!!!

Lies, you knew I did 26 when we did Lynne, and you couldn’t even scrape together the extra 1 to reach that! 🙂

11 PU

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