Thursday, September 16, 2010
Hang Squat Clean – 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Coach’s notes: Post load for all sets to comments.
Compare to June 24, 2010
Hang Squat Clean – 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Coach’s notes: Post load for all sets to comments.
Compare to June 24, 2010
@ 6 a.m.
A. AMRAP in 3 mins
5 wall balls
5 burpies I did 4 rounds plus 5 wall balls and 3 burpies
3 min rest
B. 3 rounds in 6 mins or less
250 m row
15 SDLHP 45# I managed to do 2 rounds plus the row, didn’t get the last SDLHP
5 min rest
C. 5 x 30sec on 30 sec rest GHD situps
Thanks Michelle and Colin for a great class.
95/105/110/115/120/125/127.5/130(f)/130- cleaned but couldn’t front squat it
PR of 12.5lb
Great clean today Krista! Lots of fun today, thanks for the class Todd.
115/125/135/145/145/155/165 – F/165
Thanks Todd and the 9:30 class!
95/105/115/125 allx2 130/135/140(f)/140(PR)
Oops, meant to add thanks Todd!!! Great class, allison you did awesome! Katie, nice work on your pullups!!!
Too bad I missed the 6 am class today, good work. Did Tuesday WOD today; 28:31 a tough workout to say the least. Nice work Krista on the PR
115×2/125×2/135×2/145×2/155×1/165×1/170×1/175×1 (PR by 15#)/180 (f)
Thanks Michelle and Chantal! I had fun today!
95 x 2, 105 x 2, 115 x 2, 125 x2, 135 x1, 145 x1, 150 x1 155 x1 new PR!!! by 15lbs! Thanks Michelle! You to Audra! Way to go with your PR
Hadn’t done this before so thought I would shoot for Krista+5 lbs. I need a new role model.
135 – got under it but stuck in squat
85X2/95X2/105×2/115×2/117.7×1/120×1/127.5 x1/135×1 (PR by about 20 lbs I think)
Thanks Michelle and Kim (Sweet PR!!!)!
Did yesterday’s wod this morning and came tonight for much needed practice on this lift:
75×2/85×2/95×2/105×1/110×1/115 got in the squat position and then my legs decided it was a good time to sit right down on the floor! Called it a night then!
Thanks for the fun class Michelle! Awesome PRs above!!
65×2/75×2/85×2/95×1/100(f)/100(f) into squat but then stuck at bottom/100(f)
185/195/200/205 all times 2
240(f)/240(f)/235/245 all times 1
Thanks Michelle
175# for 1, pr by 10#. failed 180# twice
And thanks Michelle and 5pm class… It was fun going up against the hulk… Good job man
85/95/105/115 times 2
125/135(f)/135(f)/135 times 1
thanks far the tips and all the support Michelle.
Great work tonight everyone!!!! Such great positive energy in the gym tonight!
Neil – up to 135/145(f)
125/125/125/125/145/145/145/145 Thanks Michelle.