Thursday, September 14, 2017
A. 2 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlift – 350#/225#
10 Bar Muscle Up
Compare to Thursday, December 24, 2015
B. Practice your skipping skills, singles, doubles, triples, crossovers, single leg. high knees, complexes, etc.
Coach’s notes:
Post time to complete complete to comments and notes for skipping practice.
WOD Leaderboard
A. 14:55 RX’d – slow singles
B. Worked some double unders
Thanks Laura!
A. 15:34 205# and bar muscle ups with purple & red band/box-used a mix of both and counted attempts the first round. 2nd round did all with bands and only counted complete reps(took me awhile but liked this scale)
B. did not want to whip myself anymore so I slowly cleaned up from A/chit chatted till there was no time for B 😀
Nice work 7 a.m.
Thanks Laura!
A. 9:21
– Deadlifts @ 275#
– Muscle ups rx’d – all singles
B. Worked on triple unders. Only got a couple today.
Thanks Tania!
A: 7:30
DL@170#. Sets were 6/4 and 4/3/3
BMU from 30″ box on the short bar.
Guessing I should have gone heavier.
B: ran out of time.
Thanks Tania! 10am was a blast! Coach more please!!!
BMU from box
Would have been 7:15 but paused to admire Karen’s muscle ups.
Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes CFCers!!! I really appreciate it!!!😊
Worked on bar muscle up attempts that lead to getting 4 bar muscle ups! Thanks to Michael for sharing a bar muscle up technique tip with me! It worked like magic! Thanks for all the cheering tonight from the 6pm gang! I’m so stoked! Probably dream of bar muscle ups in my sleep tonight.
Thanks Colin!
8:05 Rx’d.
Thanks Colin!
Well, that was taxing on my grip today.
2nd time with this one so managed my sets a little better and shaved a bit of time off.
DL – 10 first rnd. 6/4 second rnd.
BMU – 10 in the first, 4/3/3 in 2nd.
Great job everyone that got their first muscle-up in today’s 6:00 class!
First round 215, dropped to 195 for the second
Banded muscle ups, tried really hard get one on my own, but I go!
It was so awesome to watch you Karen!! Congrats
Thanks Colin
Thanks OG