Thursday, September 11, 2008
1 round for time:
1000m Row
50 Wallballs
500m Row
100 Medicine Ball Cleans
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
CrossFit Calgary is holding another kipping seminar. Click here for more details.
CFC Kids is offering a new class and is now accepting registration for upcoming sessions. Click here for more details.
Outdoor class:
150 feet wheel barrel walk (partner holding feet)
150 rope jumps (~20 in)
150 kettle bell swings
100 push up burpee’s (instead of 150 jumping pull ups)
partner and I alternated…
Neil – 22:50 20lb ball
Judy – 23:40 10lb ball
As Rx’d
1000m single arm row
50 – left arm dumbell (30lb) thrusters
500m single arm row
100 – left arm dumbell (20lb) squat cleans
As rx’d
Tuesdays Deadlifts post todays WOD
Looking strong Tamara!
20:31 – as rx’d