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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, October 27, 2021

Complete As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 30 minutes of:

Row 400m
10 Toes to Bar
20 Hip Extensions
40 Double Unders
REST 2:00

Coach’s notes:

Post time per round and rounds and reps complete in the 30 minutes to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 4

5 rounds + row + 3 TTB Rx’d.
Huge class at 6am!
Thanks Chief Kitten Wrangler Derek.

5 rounds + 389 m row

Finished on the hip extensions of 5th round
– did ~80 singles for the double unders, and kipping knee raises, with few attempts of TTB mixed in. Hip extensions went better than expected! Still terrible at skipping, but don’t think anyone noticed in the huge class..😬😅

Thanks Derek!

This was a challenging little sucker……………6 rounds + 50m.
1. 2:50
2. 2:51
3. 2:51
4. 3:06, uh oh, wheels falling off………
5. 3:06
6. 3:10, finished at 27:54, rested till 29:54 and rowed for 6s!!!!!!

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