Thursday, October 25, 2018

Spend 10 minutes in each of the following (30 minutes total):
- Skipping – practise singles, doubles, triples, reverse, single leg, cross overs, partner, etc.
- Pulling – Full Range of Motion pull-ups. In other words, arms must extend behind torso. Use pull-up bar, rings and peg board, all grips and scale movement as needed to allow for full range pull.
- Handstand holds and walking progressions.
B. 21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:
Wallballs – 20#/14# all to 11’
TT WOD: Strength:
A. Barbell Shoulder Press – 3 reps @ 30X1 X 6 sets, rest 2-3:00
B1. Dip – 7-9 reps @ 31X1 X 4 sets, rest 90-120s
B2. Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 8-10 reps @ 3011 X 4 sets, rest 90-120s
Fun warm-up. Managed to squeek in a few single rep triple-unders, and then strung together 6 reverse DU – super awkward, but a neat challenge. Pulling – I still need to work out full range of motion at the end of my pullups – not quite getting arms back, and chest touching. Handstands – always fun – feel like I’m back in high school.
4:32 Rx for the WOD. Lungs burning.
Thanks Josh!
Snuck in for the WOD tonight. 4:30 Rx’d.
Holy smokes Pedro, that was crazy. 3:20? Nice butterflies!
Thanks Brett!
4:28 rx’d.
A. 95/105/115/115/125/130×2
B1. 10@BW, 7@ 0.5pd, 7@ 0.7pd, 5 @ 10pd
B2. 10 reps at 10# for all sets.
Thanks Brett!
I did a TT/Wod mashup today.
Also the TT wasn’t posted at 6am so I also did a choose your own adventure on that one too 😉
WOD: 6:20 with a green band for pull ups and WB to 10′.
Plus Some other banded tempo pull ups and some handstand stuff in between TT sets.
A) 55/65/70/75(2)/70 (only 5 sets)
B1) 4 sets- 10 reps per set off the box with feet on a bench.
B2) 3 sets – 10 reps.
Popped a few GHDs while waiting to go for Denny’s.
Nice to start and end my day at the box!