Thursday, October 16, 2008
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
30 KB Swings
15 L Pull-Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood and gals use 1.0 pood. Post time to complete to comments.
CF Kids Calgary will be offering a second class on WEDSNESDAYs at 4:30 starting Wed OCT 22. Please see CFK website tab for more details and contact to register.
CF Kids is also accepting registrations for the next session of CrossFit Kids on Sundays at 2 and 3 pm starting October 19 for 8 sessions.
CrossFit Kids focuses on activities that challenge, keep children learning and help to build a strong foundation for movement, balance and coordination (the basis for all we do) needed for later stages of growth and the springboard for exceptional sport performance later in adolescence and adulthood. AND IT IS REALLY FUN!!!
DJ / Pierre. Saturday at 1 is booked if you want to come.
awesome see you there
Time I am wriiting this, not my actual “performance” time.
FYI: For those who know Paige and who knows she never toots her own horn, she completed the Victoria 1/2 marathon last week-end. What I just found out was that she was in the top 7% of ALL female finishers. Rock on! (Hey, it’s 6 a.m., I don’t know what phrase is in!)
Have a good day!
Nice work Paige!! Did you finish it off with some tabata squats at the finish line?!!
1.25 pood
6:15/8:30/9:03 = 23:48
LPU in sets of 3 then 2.
Congratulations Paige!!!
Mack – I’m leaving on vacation out of town for 9 days. Won’t be there but I’m interested in such session in the future. Have fun throwing that barbell around.
Regarding Paige’s half. I’d also guess that she was faster than many folks (male and female) that are running way more training miles – because of Crossfit. Good work!
Since I’ll be away from a squat cage for a while, changed today’s WOD:
Back squats: 165×5, 185×5, 195×5, 205×5, 210×5, 210×5, 210×5
wow…thanks you guys 🙂 Thanks Yvette 🙂
I ran the Half with a chip time of 1:45:18. Improving on my previous PB by 4 minutes.
I agree, CF has a LOT to do with better performance….but no Tabata squats that day I’m afraid.
And altitude-advantage doesn’t hurt 🙂
Way to go Paige,
Row 2k
First WOD in the new Garage Gym, Lovin it!
Outdoor class
dumb bell bear complex (used 30lb DB’s)
Lunch time WOD:
Front squat – 225×3
Of interest: I found this fitness testing website
that has some useful info such as strength standards for men and women in the DL, squat, clean, press and bench press. Also it has a one rep max calculator that also calculates 50% max etc….interesting stuff
Neil – box jumps instead of running 26:37
Judy – box jumps, 12 kg KB, 15 blue band assisted pullups 15 k2e 23:18
As Rx’d