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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, October 15, 2009

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

10 Barbell Hang Clean

10 Ring Dips

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for hang clean (full squat catch).  Post number of rounds completed to comments.


To vote:
1. Go to this link: http://vimeo.com/groups/19222/videos/6934080
2. Write your comments including Best Video / Soundtrack in the comments area within the group.

Comments: 20

You know what happens when you go to Vegas!!!

Our video is currently in first place but only by a few votes. Voting closes at Midnight PDT, Thursday, 10.15.09, so make sure to get your votes in!!

Sub’d 65#…9 rounds + 5 Hang Cleans

5 rounds plus 10 Hang Cleans + 5 Ring Dips

Modified to 42 lbs hang clean and used blue band for first two rounds ring dips and green bands for the remaining sets.

5 rounds of Hang Cleans at 95Ibs.
5 rounds of Ring Dips as rx ed.

95 lbs.
Dips between two chairs.
All full dips but mostly sets of one.
5 rds. + 3 HC

6 rounds + 3 Hang Cleans

Only managed 115 lb Cleans though. Need to work on the ‘Ol squat clean more often!

Is that a message for aliens when they send you to space?

10 rounds, at the buzzer, as Rxd

5 rounds plus 6 hang cleans
95lbs for cleans blue band assist for ring dips

6 rounds + 4 hang cleans
Scaled to 105lbs & purple band assisted dips

as rex’d 4 rounds of hang cleans and 3 rounds + 6 dips with a couple of failed dips in the last 30 sec.

5 rounds + 8 cleans as rx’d.

I was feeling the cleans after the snatches yesterday, and ring dips were down to singles pretty quickly.

I really need to work on hang cleans. I am just so clumsy with them. Thanks for your support Brett and Lindsay. 5 rounds total plus 3 more cleans. Used 61lbs for the first 3 rounds and then did 55 for the last two. Used blue band for the first 3 and green for the last two. I felt pretty weak overall today. Will be better next time.

4 rounds + 1 clean
Scaled cleans to 62#, which still felt really heavy. I’m good until I have to get back up out of the squat. Any weighted squats need major work! Really struggled today, but stuck with it till the end.
Purple band for ring dips.

6 rounds
first round hangs cleans @ 95 lbs .. 1 and 2’s switched to 85 lbs
all ring dips as rx’d

Wow. Looking at the other guys’ rounds, I really need to improve.

4 rounds and 4 cleans @ 115lbs.

Great work everybody!

6 rds rx’d

sorry I left my weights out after the work out was a little upset of my preformance on top of me forgetting the fish in the oven and rushing home to find my meal burnt to a crisp

correction: was on my 6th round… completed hang cleans and did 1/2 of ring dips – so 5 complete rounds short 6 ring dips of 6th round… tough wod!
Thanks Todd

5 rnds @ 75# and assisted ring dips + 6 cleans Thanks for the push todd

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