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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, October 14, 2010

For time:

30 Thrusters

10 Rounds of Cindy

30 Thrusters

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 95 lbs for thrusters, gals 65 lbs.  Post time to complete to comments.

Leadership as Rx’d Project Tndia tee orders are due November 1st!  Support a great cause and look good doing it.  Order yours today!!

Comments: 21

this WOD just seems kinda mean…or fun…

@ 6 am
A. Push up variations
B. Amrap in 15 mins
5 power cleans. A52#. R80#
10 wallballs. A10#. R16#
15 double unders
A 8 rnds + 1 pc
R 9 rnds + 5 cleans
Fun wod thanks Michelle. Good to have you sweating with us Colin!

@ 6am as Adelle noted: Thanks for working out with us Colin.

5 pc #115
10 wb #20
15 du

11 rnds

Did Tuesday’s Run/DB Snatch WOD after doing a bunch of technical work. The depth of my squat on some was a little questionable (don’t think it would be “Michelle approved”). 13:49 as rx’d. Great job everyone in the 9:30 class, this looks horrible. Thanks Ali.

Neil – 27:40 @ 75 lbs
Judy – 33:23 @ 33 lbs
Thanks DJ, I truly appreciate being told that I am genetically disadvantaged..that made my day. I always wondered why I have struggled so much power lifting now I know.

Thruster first time so did @42 I think I could have gone higher.
Cindy as Rx’d

thanks Chantal for taking over the class!!

Yes, definite thanks to Chantal for taking over the class, and I promise not to drop my bar uncontrollably anymore! Too caught up in the moment!

As RX’ed, 21:20. Awful.

24:16 as rx’d

Doug you are a machine…battle of the old guys this morning- round #1 goes to Doug:)
9 rounds/5 power cleans and 6 wall balls.

Just about forgot …thanks Michelle for the coaching.

24:58, Scaled to 85#

Thanks DJ

22 on the button. Last 30 thrusters ruined my world.

Scaled thrusters to 42#. Will increase next time.
First of Cindy as Rx’d then scaled pushups to knees for rounds 2-10.
Thanks DJ!

23:54. Scaled to 85 lbs
Thanks Chantal.

24:02 as rx’d.

All thrusters were done from the fingertips, which probably wasn’t the best strategy! I probably could have pushed the second set of thrusters harder, but I just made sure to beat Alvaro…

23:13, scaled. Very scaled.

did this one at the talisman tonight…

from a rack (cheater cheater), with globo gym style barbell (no bumpers)

as rx’d


Thrusters scaled to 62.5lbs
Cindy (Pull Ups Purple band, Push ups mostly from knees)

Thanks DJ!

21:32 as rxd

As rx’d 11:35
(no strategy just go and rest as needed)
30 Thrusters 1:04 (unbroken)
10 rds Cindy 7:26 (all unbroken)
30 Thrusters 3:04 (6 sets of 5 reps)

Did during Sunday’s make-up class 15:04 as rx’d. Thanks Cory and Brett for doing this one with me and pushing me. Will have to get sub 15 next time.

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