Thursday, October 11, 2007
As many rounds in 20 minutes:
5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 box jumps
Coach’s notes: A push-up is not a push-up unless the chest touches the floor, each and every rep. It does not matter if you pivot from your toes or knees, so scale as required. Sit-ups are done with back touching the floor and reaching a full sitting position on each rep, heels should stay in contact with the floor even if that means anchoring them. Drive your arms forward as you come up to speed your movment and allow you to do more repetitions, hence more work. Box jumps are a two foot jump to a height of 24 inches or scale height as required. You must reach full extension (standing position) on each repetition for the box jumps. Post total and partial rounds completed to comments.
Couldn’t do the WOD on the official website since I wouldn’t be able to take over 3 barbells at the Y. So here I am…
Total rounds in 20 min: 8