Thursday, October 1, 2009
For time(s):
10 – 200 m Row Sprints
Rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Post time for each set and total time to comments.
Reminder – Kipping seminars will be held this Sun. Oct. 4 at noon and 1:15 pm. Click here for more details. To register contact Kris at
this WOD is gross…I mean lots of fun…
Total time: 7:36.5 + 18 min. rest = 25:36.5
6am class
5 rnds;
60s wall balls @ 40#, 30s rest
60s back ext., 30s rest
60s row for m., 30s rest
Oops! 14# wall balls – not 40# ha!
There are 2 spots for sale for the upcoming Olympic lifting course at CFC on Oct. 10/11th. If you are interested, email me at
Thanks Amy,
I was waiting for someone to post the am workout…
14# ball (taking The Hulk’s advice on how to improve)
Row was in delirium so I do not remember how far
pace: 1:3?/1:5?/2:0?/2:0?/1:4?
note to self (include GHD stuff in warm-up)
44.3/43.6/45.4/47.9/46.9/47.7/48.5/48.6/47.3/46.0 = 7:46 total time
ugh – my rowing needs help!
Karen nice times!!!
oh … Kris – thanks – good rowing info!
Rowing = 6:48.4
After first three rounds my legs would stop working after 150 m.
Fun workout
oops,plus 18 minutes rest
This workout felt like a simulation of the worst stomach flu a person could have. Oh dear.. 41.9/41.9/42.2/44.1/44/45.8/45.6/47.2 /46.2 – oh, no in my sea sickness I fell to the floor and forgot to write down my last time. I think it was 20 something just teasing…. I think 45 something.
Thanks Chantal!
Neil – 38.4, 39.1, 41.3, 41.1, 42.5, 42.4, 43.4, 43.8, 43.1, 41.9
39.7/40.4/40.9/41.2/42.0/42.2/42.7/42.7/43.0/41.9 Thanks for the help Chantal. This one just hurt, taking a much needed rest day tomorrow.
Yuck! but thanks Chantal….
35.2 / 35.2 / 36.7
oopsy. A delete comment feature would be useful.
35.2 / 35.2 / 36.7 / 37.3 / 38.3 / 38.8 / 39.1 / 39.1 / 39.3 / 38.7
I enjoyed this. It did hurt, but only for a few seconds each time.
35.4/37.2/37.6/39.3/39.3/40.6/39.5/42.8/41.8/40.4 = 6:34 rowing
+ 18 min rest = 24:34 total
Well, unfortunately didn’t complete this workout due to left calf cramps. Got the first one in round 3. Stretched and rolled it out and continued when the rest of the group was doing round 5. Took it a bit easier and then in round 7 got another cramp. Did the remaining 3 rounds, but decreased damper and took it easier. After talking with Chantal, decided not to redo the 2 aborted and 1 missed rounds. I’m really disappointed! 🙁
45.8/46.2/cramp/roll & stretch/49.6/52.9/cramp/57.6/54.8/51.5
Rowing is hard! I didn’t write down the individual times but they averaged from 46.0-47.3. Total time with rest about 26:30. ( I forgot to look when I was done).