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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A.  Tabata Intervals


2.  OH Switch Lunge

B.  AMCAP – As many calories as possible in 8 minutes -Row

Coach’s notes:  Post total reps for tabata intervals.  Guys use 95 lbs for SDLHP and gals 65 lbs, and hold a 45 lb and 25 lbs plate respectively for OH switch lunges.  Post total calories for the row to comments.

Compare to July 8, 2010

Important Reminder – CFC4 is this Saturday; only 2 days left to sign up!  Bidding is now open for silent auction items!

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Comments: 6

Test – comment

Sorry for the technical problems everyone. Don’t you just love those who choose to use their technological powers for evil? Anyways, if you’d like to re-register to post a comment, and need some help here are the intstructions to do so. First, click on “You Must be Logged in to Post a Comment” under a WOD. Then click on the link “Register” found under the username and password boxes. Pick a username that you’d like to use and type it in the first box. This is the name that will show up beside each of your posts. Then type in your email address. WordPress will then send you a password to use to post a comment. Copy and paste that password and type your chosen username in the appropriate boxes. You are now registered with our site (again). To change your password to one you choose, click on your username. It should be a red link if you’re still logged in. This will bring you to your profile page at the bottom of which you will have the option of changing your password by typing it in twice. If you’re having any difficulties and would like me to assist you personally, please email me at rhiannon@crossfitcalgary.ca. Again, sorry for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience while we try to squash these techie bugs!

A1: 58 reps as rx’d
A2: 54 reps as rx’d
B. 134 calories

Thanks for the push Michelle!

A1: 95 lbs 11/6/6/6/5/5/5/5
OHS 25 lbs 5/5/5/5/5/6/6/10
B:119 calories – 1980m
A1: 42 lbs 10/8/7/7/7/7/7/7
OHS 10 lbs 4/7/7/7/6/7/7/7
B: 98 calories – 1700m
Thanks Michelle; always great coaching!!

whoops meant to OHL..also no jump when doing these just lunge(Judy)

A1. 61 (lost sheet for break down – I’m posting way later)
A2. 78 as rx’d mostly… some lost the jump and kind of was more of a lunge
B. 106 cal damper at 5.5 approx. 1800 m (I think this should have been closer to 2000 m for an 8 minute row??? not exactly sure though – legs pretty fried after switch lunges)

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