I can only do singles with touching head on the floor. So started with one every 30 sec, but even that turned out to be too fast. I’m surprise I finished the 50.
As Rx’d, 38:12.
November 6th, 2008 - amazonbroad
well, I did the WOD from Tuesday…50/55/60/65/70/75. Wrists gave out…
November 6th, 2008 - Kelley
OPT Workout As many rounds in 20 min of 100m Sprint, 10 push-ups, 15 Squats!
7 Rounds plus 100m sprint!
November 7th, 2008 - JeffL
Not quite as rx’d – 19:03
Tried from floor – no go
Tried putting The Handbook of Physiology and Anatomy under my head – no go
Tried the Industrial Engineering Handbook – Third Edition – no
Tried The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language-Deluxe Encyclopedic Edition (10 cm) with hands fairly wide and the occasional leg kick when I couldn’t my head off the book – got sets of 3-5.
November 7th, 2008 - Karen L
I substituted these with push ups from my toes. I usually do the ones from my knees so I felt this was a good challenge for me. 7:46.
November 7th, 2008 - Mack
As Rx’d
November 7th, 2008 - Blaine
31:27 – first few sets of 4 & then singles. Hit a serious wall at rep 40. Took three tries to complete that one with full ROM.
November 7th, 2008 - deejay
Did this after Lynne
21:21 (band assisted)
November 7th, 2008 - Michelle
as rx’d
First set of 9 is the most I’ve done consecutively. First 20 reps completed in 5 minutes…the last 2 also took 5 minutes!!!!
Awesome time Mack!!!!
I can only do singles with touching head on the floor. So started with one every 30 sec, but even that turned out to be too fast. I’m surprise I finished the 50.
As Rx’d, 38:12.
well, I did the WOD from Tuesday…50/55/60/65/70/75. Wrists gave out…
OPT Workout As many rounds in 20 min of 100m Sprint, 10 push-ups, 15 Squats!
7 Rounds plus 100m sprint!
Not quite as rx’d – 19:03
Tried from floor – no go
Tried putting The Handbook of Physiology and Anatomy under my head – no go
Tried the Industrial Engineering Handbook – Third Edition – no
Tried The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language-Deluxe Encyclopedic Edition (10 cm) with hands fairly wide and the occasional leg kick when I couldn’t my head off the book – got sets of 3-5.
I substituted these with push ups from my toes. I usually do the ones from my knees so I felt this was a good challenge for me. 7:46.
As Rx’d
31:27 – first few sets of 4 & then singles. Hit a serious wall at rep 40. Took three tries to complete that one with full ROM.
Did this after Lynne
21:21 (band assisted)
as rx’d
First set of 9 is the most I’ve done consecutively. First 20 reps completed in 5 minutes…the last 2 also took 5 minutes!!!!
Awesome time Mack!!!!