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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, November 5, 2009

 7 rounds for times:

25 Push Ups

250 m Row

25 Overhead Walking Lunges

Rest 2:00

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lbs and gals 25 lbs for lunges.  Post times for each set and total working time to comments.

Rememberance Day holiday is next week, thus the class schedule will be in effect.  On Wed. Nov. 11 the 9:30 am  and 6:00 pm classes will be available for member and drop in attendance.

CFC Hoodies are coming soon!  Click here to view.

CFC1 (aka Mack’s Challenge) is this Saturday.  The WOD2 and movement standards have been announced.  Click here to view.

Comments: 11

Don’t forget to bring your own pillow for the burpees on Saturday Alvaro!

6 a.m.
In 4 mins work to max 1 rep press A: 62, R: 103
Tabata Push-ups counting only the lowest rep
A: 5 Not all full push, some from knees, R: 6
4 mins KB swings for totals A: 1 pod 63, R: 1.5 pod 52
Total: A=130 R=161

Then just for fun because we had time 3 rounds of 30 unbroken abmat situps for time
A=3:56 R=4:10
Totally exhausted for the rest of the day, but a great workout! Thanks everyone!

6 AM (see Adelle&Rick for WOD)
A) 54.5 lbs *Difficult for me as had constant reminders from our wonderful trainers about keeping elbows down, wrists neutral and NOT pushing with legs.
B) 5 push up minimum *Started out as actual push ups until my 5th round at which I went from the knees. Push ups were difficult from the beginning due to the press.
C) 60 KB swings @ 1 pood. *Really worked on form, ensuring that KB & arms straight, head through arms.

TOTAL = 119.5 THANKS AGAIN TO JAMES AND COLLIN. Not sure if anyone has seen the “YOU TUBE” video on 2 Crossfitters and 1 chaulk bucket but it is worth the watch – enjoy!

6AM – forgot to mention that we did additional work. Had to complete 30 sit ups with the AB MAT, unbroken, for time – 5 minutes. Thanks for the anchoring Collin.

scaled to 10# for OH lunges (that’s all my shoulder can handle right now :()
3:09 / 3:41 / 4:00 / 3:55 / 3:24 / 4:13 / 4:01

Total time:31:20 as rx’d
Working time:19:21


Rough one! Started as RX but quickly dropped the Walking Lunges to 35Ibs and after the 4 round to 25Ibs. Push-up all broken after 3rd round.

What did I say Cory? Rowing and burpees. Predictable

I was hoping we’d be wrong though!

As Rx’d (except 25-45# Sdlhp for row)
= 1 sweat angel

My pillow is ready!

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