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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, November 15, 2018


A.  1 round for time of:

15 Muscle-ups
3 Deadlift – 315#/215#
9 Muscle-ups
9 Deadlift
3 Muscle-ups
15 Deadlift

B.  Any remaining time work on skipping.

TT WOD – Oly:

A.  Tall Squat Clean/Hang Squat Clean – 2/2 X 5-7 sets, rest approx. 90s

Notes:  Keep bar close, thus elbows pull high, quick elbows under, then stable, paused catch/finish in the pockets, everything else the same.

B.  Clean Deadlift Shrug – 5 reps X 5 sets, rest 90-120s

Notes:  Keep bar path close and build speed to aggressive shrug.

C.  Tall Split Jerk – 3-5 reps X 5-7 sets, rest approx. 90s

Notes:  We will work multi start positions, but it is all about the aggressive punch, driving the body under and practice with our foot work.  Should be able to freeze each catch.

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 6

Deadlift at 130#
Muscle up scaling on rings doing ring row and transition to dip position.

Great morning 6am thanks OG

9:03, took longer than I figured, but these heavy and complex couplets always do.
Fantastic coaching Toddly, great class 10:00amer’s.

deadlifts at 215#
muscle ups from box

Happy to have Todd back!! 🙂

9:09 ish?
Did some ring MU in warmup and shoulder felt less than ideal, so did 5 bar MU per round instead. DL @ 185.
Thanks Todd!

Deadlifts at 275#
MU’s – scaled the reps to 9,6,3

A. All with the barbell and focussed on technique.
B, 135/185/225/225/225 – grip was shot for this one.
C. Just stuck with the barbell

Thanks Josh and Brett!

Came back for TT
A. Stayed light and did sets of 3-4/3-4 @ 95#.
B. Worked up to 335#, used straps for this set.
C. Worked on tech with dowel and empty bar.
Really impressed with how well everyone approached this. Already seeing significant technical, position, coordination and bar path improvements.

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