Thursday, November 13, 2008
As many rounds in 20 minutes:
15 OHS
15 KB swings
Coach’s notes: Guys use 45 and gals 25 lbs for the OHS and 1.5 and 1.0 pood for the KB swings. Post number of rounds to comments.
This HOLIDAY SEASON, SPOIL your Child (aged 6-12) with the gift of cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy with CROSSFIT KID CLASSES at CROSSFIT CALGARY.
5 session classes are available for only $70/child. Spots are limited so please contact Trevor at
Session #1: Dec 20, 21 @3:30pm, Dec 22, 23 and 26 @ 1 pm
Session #2: Dec 27, 28 @ 3:30 pm and Dec 30, Jan 2 and 3 @ 1 pm
1.25 pood
as rx’d with 50lb dumbbell to replace KB.
1:00 Row, 2:00 1.5p KB Swings
= 305m, 32 Swings; 1:00 rest
1:00 Row, 2:00 Walk Lunges
= 280m, 46 lunges; 1:00 rest
1:00 Row, 2:00 Burpees
= 276m, 16 Burpees; 1:00 rest (Those burpees hurt)
1:00 Row, 2:00 20″ Box Jumps
= 277m, 31 jumps; 1:00 rest
1:00 Row, 2:00 Jump Pull Ups
= 275m, 41 jump pull ups
As Prescribed… or so I will say
7 rounds + 15 OHS +9 swings
50# dumbell = 55# kettlebell because the grip is easier with the kettlebell
Rebecca – 9 rds +15 OHS + 9 swings as Rx’d
Judy – 20 lbs OHS, 12 kg KB…6 rounds + 15 OHS
front squats instead of OHS – 38lbs
KB – 16kg
4 rounds + 15 front squats
OPT Workout
30 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps
5 Rounds for time
29:06 And swollen arms from the rope whipping me! Mental images of chopping my skipping rope to pieces was what got me through!