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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, May 7, 2009

10 rounds for time:

7 DB Front Squat

7 DB Push Press


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45lbs per hand and gals 30lbs per hand.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 19

6AM class, 7 rounds of 200m sprint + 12 KBS + 9 pull-ups, 2min rest.
Used 1.5 pood KB.

7am class (same as above except used 25lb KB and green band for pull ups)

Did the same as Pierre at the 6 am Class, what a way to wake up!
Didn’t write my times down but ended up with a score of +-3 as per James system. Who needs to rest during the workout? Had the rest opf the day for that, thanks James.

can we play “spot the heel striker”

What do you get when 3 crossfitters get together in a globo gym to “hang out and stretch”? Heavy singles bench press for fun.
135×3, 145×1, 155×1, 165×1, 175×1, 185(f), 180×1.


Scaled to 35 Ibs for time of 17.51.

Scaled to 30 lbs. Time of 14:35.
Great workout. Thanks!

35 lbs.
Usually just took 1 break in the middle of the presses.

25lb DB’s for front squat and 20lb DB’s for PP.


9:52 as rx’d

3 rounds @ 40lbs
7 rounds @ 35lbs

Neil 40 lb DB 15:55
Judy 15 lb DB 14:57

12:29 as rx’d

10:06 as Rx

15:50 as rx’d

i dropped in from Edmonton at the 6:00 am class

going off memory on my times.

thanks to James and everyone in the class for letting me drop in it was an awesome class and i hope to be in Calgary again in the next couple of weeks so hopefully i will be able to stop in again.

13:19 with 15#

10:40 @ 50lbs

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