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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A. 1-5-1 Push Jerk Ladder: (from rack)

AMSAP in 10 minutes

B. 1-5-1 SDLHP Ladder: (touch and go)

AMSAP in 10 minutes

Coach’s notes: Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for both movements. Post total number of reps completed in A and B. Sets in the ladder must be unbroken.

Compare to May 9, 2011

Comments: 27

Used 65 for a. 2 rnds plus 1
Used 45 for SDHP 3 rnds plus1
Thanks micelle for the coaching on the sdhps
Chech out my new lifting shoes On twitter #crossfit
Thanks Colin.

A. 57# 2 ladders + 3 on the way up (56 reps)
B. 52# 3 ladders + 5 (90 reps)
Once I started to really drop under the weight for the push jerk it felt really good.
Nice to see the 6amers represented! Thanks so much Michelle & Colin!

A. 70#1 ladder + 3 on the way down
first ladder to 4 on the way down; failed twice… dropped down to 45#bar due to shoulder pain
B. 56# 3 ladders + 1 didnt effect shoulder as much but didnt want to push it.
thats a fine looking picture!
Thanks Michelle for your advice and Colin
Adelle you did 56# for the SDLHP

Great job 6am ‘ers! Thanks for the help Colin!
Adelle… Ashley is right, you had a 45# barbell and reds… 56#.

Good luck to the team heading to Vancouver. Safe travels.

Battle, work and fight as hard as you can this weekend CFC Team.

You were all ment to be there.

You all have it within you.

65# Push Jerk- 2 full rnds then back up the ladder to 5 reps
65# SDLHP- 2 full rnds then back up the ladder to 4 reps
Thanks Laura!! Good luck CFC Team!

80# for both movements. Push jerk – up and down the ladder three times, finished at 1. SDLHP – up and down the ladder twice and then back up to 4 I believe. 5# heavier than last time and more reps. Really felt the weigt on the SDLHP on this one.

Thanks Laura! See all those going, in Vancouver tomorrow!

as rx’s

A. 2 rounds and 6 reps (56 total)
B. 2 rounds and 7 reps (57 total)

3 more reps in part A and 4 fewer in part B from last time

as rx’d
3 rnds + 1,2,3,4,5,4,3 = 97
3 rnds + 1,2 = 78

Scaled 80
A: 1 plus 1,2,3,4,5,4
B: 4 total

Neil – 115 lbs
A: 1 rd plus 1,2,3 = 31
B: 2 rds plus 1,2,3,4,5 = 65
Judy – 43 lbs (increase weight by 5 for next time)
A: 2 rds plus 1,2,3,4,5,4 = 69
B: 2 rds plus 1,2,3,4,5,4,3 = 72

A. as rx’d, 1 round + 1,2 (failed twice the 3rd ladder).
B. SDLHP @ 85lbs, 2 rounds+1,2,3

Great workout at 6am. Thanks Michelle and Colin for the coaching.

With 120#
A. 60 reps
B. 53 reps

95 lbs.

A: 1 rnd + 1-5-3 = 47
B: 2 rnds + 1-4 = 60

A. 28 reps
B. 69 reps
I think its clear what I need to work on here…..

“Fight Gone Bad” as rxd at Crossfit Glenmore (Kelowna)
3 Rounds of 1:00 each:
WallBalls (20lbs) / SDLHP (75lbs) / Box Jumps (24″) / Push Press (75lbs) / Row (for calories) / Rest
Total: 308

80# Might of been able to do as rx’d but SDLHP was my limiting factor.
A. 2 rds + 1-5
B. 3 rds

Used 85# and that felt like the universe.
A: 2rds+1,2,3
B: 1 rd + 1,2,3,on set 4 and failed on the 4th one! A lot of redos on this one, I kept dropping it or I only weakly lifted it up to my chest instead of my collar bone. Phew, dripping in sweat after that one.
Thank you Todd for the encouragement and coaching, it was appreciated!

40# – Too light….heavier next time for sure….
A. 56 reps
B. 75 reps
Thanks Todd!

Did this one last time, did last Thursday’s k2e’s/OHS wod (no time b/c i jumped in on laura’s 9:30 class! Thank you Laura!!!)

A. 65lbs-2rnds+1+2+3+4+5+4+3
B. 65lbs-3rnds+1+2+3
Thanks Todd and Katie for making me try a heavier weight then I thought I could do.

A) 2 + 1/2/3/4 – Worse than May 9th, same weight as rx’d.

B) 1 + 1/2/3/4/5/4 – Worse than May 9th but increased weight by 10# to rx’d.

2 rounds of PJ’s
50 reps
2 rnds + to 3 and 2 of 4 = 58 reps

less than last time on the SDHP’s
difference was no rest between A & B

Try a little more weight next time.

A: 90
B: 100

Misread it, only used 95 for B. oops

As rx’d Push Press only.
3 rds + 1,2,3,4=85
+ 10 from last time

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