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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Overhead Squat  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.

Compare to April 5, 2009

Comments: 13

Jame’s Break Special:

10 Chin ups (assisted with blue band)
20 Medicine Ball toss without breaks (10Ibs)
200 M run at 90%

3 min rest between 7 rounds.

Jame’s Breakfast Special:

10 Chin ups (assisted with blue band)
20 Medicine Ball toss without breaks (10Ibs)
200 M run at 90%

3 min rest between 7 rounds.

Jame’s Painfeast Special. 7 rounds of:
10 Chin ups, 20 Wall ball unbroken (20#), 200 M run at 90%, 3 min rest.
7 rounds of 20 unbroken wallballs at 20# was NOT what I wished for, but apparently it was what I needed. Failed to do them unbroken at the 6th round, so had to re-start the set.

OHS – 45/50/55/55/55/60

Think I need a refresher on form for these…just didn’t feel very good – probably didn’t look very good, either

65# max
worked on lighter weight as wrists allowed.
These kill my wrists
I will work on these, can’t wait for next time.
good going Hulk

75# x 10
105# x 5
125# x 3
135# x 3
145# x 1
150# x 1
155# x 1
160# failed three times. Last attempt almost got it!

Neil (I suck at this lift) 90 lbs
Judy ..finally did 44.5 lbs…it has been a long time coming. Yahhhhh

worked up to 95, attempted 100 ( can’t believe I just typed that) and failed. Thanks Michelle for the great coaching.



Actually got 180 locked out overhead for one attempt, but was slightly off balance when I went for the squat. Subsequent attempts I failed to get the weight overhead.

And the possessive of James is James’.

Bwt – 180

185×1 (PR = 210)

75 lb. Could do much more with bad form.

worked up to 95 lbs, failed at 100 lbs.
Very tired today.

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