Thursday, May 13, 2021
A1. Push-ups – AMRAP @ 3131 X 5 sets, rest approx. 60s
A2. L-sit hold – AMSAP X 5 sets, rest approx. 60s
A3. Supine Dowel Rows – AMRAP X 5 sets, rest approx. 60s
A4. Tuck Jumps – 20-25 reps X 5 sets, rest approx. 60s
A5. Dowel Hang Power Snatch (2 position) – 10/10 X 5 sets, rest approx. 60s
OMG! I was still finishing the workout after everyone left!!
Lots of “Sorry, gotta go! Keep going, Dave! See ya later.” Fair weather classmates! At least the Coach stayed.
Thanks Todd.
Push Ups 12,11,9,9,9
L-sit: 45s, 45s, 35s, 30s, 30s
Supine Rows: 16reps x 5 very consistent
Tucks: 20×4,25 to finish
Hang Power Snatches: Felt great but the tuck definitely affected the first couple of reps.
I did way better at this than I thought I would. Especially the push-ups and supine rows. Couldn’t quite get my legs straight for L-sits. A definite COVID casualty:) Bent knees was pretty damn challenging. Still hate tuck jumps but I like the results they give me.