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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A.  OHS – 3 reps x 6 sets @ 32×1, rest 2:00

Rest as needed

B.  1-10 Pull Ups Ladder

Coach’s notes:  Post loads for sets of OHS and time to complete pull up ladder.  For ladder all sets must be unbroken and you must come off the bar between each set.  For example, for the first set you do one pull up then you must come off the bar.  Get back on and you must do 2 unbroken, then come off the bar.  Next do 3 unbroken, come off the bar, then 4 unbroken, etc.  Up to 10 unbroken.


Comments: 10

A. did different lift

B. attacked the pull-up ladder and was on round 8 at about 1:30 in… and i came off the bar on the 7th rep (grip). tried a quick rest and couldn’t even hold on for 1 rep. had to take long breaks to get the last 3 sets. 5:05 final time. (came off bar completely each round- took both hands off)

At 6 a.m.
for time
run 800 metres
15 push press #45 lbs
45 situps
run 600 metres
30 push press
30 situps
run 400 metres
45 push press
15 situps

16:50 This was a great work out especially after all the lunges on Tuesday morning.
Thanks for the coaching Michelle. Good work everyone.

Hey Kris….how is Sarah doing?


Thanks to everyone for your concern this morning. I ended up getting some xrays done and everything checked out fine. I have quite a bump on my head and possibly a concussion but I feel pretty good considering how hard I came down. Just so frustrating that such a fall occurred on pull-up # 55 of 55. I’ll be back soon. Thanks again to Kris, Colleen and Olga for your help!

Back Squat instead: 115,135.145,155,165,175 Failed:

Pull ups Blue band: 12

Good to hear you are ok Sarah!

part A: did the olympic lifting homework
Part B: 10:21

Thanks for the help on the kipping of the pull ups Trever! Something is always wrong with my kip and i am never sure what it is.

A: 65/75/85/90/95/100 – took two tries to get up out of last OHS
B: 8:49 – finished round of 9 by 3:08, then got 8.9 out of 10, rested, tried again and only did 1 , rested, then did 10 straight – so last ten took 5:41 additional minutes

sore wrists
good warm up today for shoulders

failed on seven after five and then used blue band. Finished after a long time.

Ran four miles at lunch. Hot day, let’s have more.

A. 45/75/95/125/135/145/155

B. 4:16 as rx’d.

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