Thursday, May 1, 2008
For fewest sets:
100 Bodyweight Bench Press
Coach’s notes: There is no time component to this workout, so take as much time as you want between sets. Post weight used, bodyweight and number of sets to comments.
Compare to Tuesday, January 8, 2008
50ft walking lunges
35 65lb good mornings
20 squats
Time : 6:23
I thought my hammies were burnt yesterday, surprise! today was another level.
PM WOD to go.
Press – 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 :180
You post it… I’ll try it
Seems cruel so close to Barbara
6/5/4/4/3/3/3/2/1/ absolute failure = 31 total, not 100
disapointed I could not get to 100, next time I am sure I will
Umm I assume that that is 100 reps?
I’m confused with brakesout PM WOD Press # sets.
Never mind.
I must be weak or exhausted or both, but I managed the following disappointing scores:
Grand total of 54 reps, 11 sets 🙁
I’ll next you next time gadget, next time!
Sorry for making my posts confusing. I am not doing the WOD from the CFC site, Just my OPT WOD
No prob brakesout…just threw me a curveball that’s all!
I can’t lift my weight once… I lifted my daughters weight most of the workout. Decided just to try to get to 100 somehow.
Set 1 95# 3 reps Set 9 80# 6 reps Set 17 80# 5reps
Set 2 85# 8 reps Set 10 80# 5 reps
Set 3 85# 6 reps Set 11 80# 5 reps
Set 4 85# 6 reps Set 12 80# 6 reps
Set 5 85 # 6 reps Set 13 80# 8 reps
Set 6 85 # 5 reps Set 14 80# 7 reps
Set 7 80 # 8 reps Set 15 80# 5 reps
Set 8 80# 7 reps Set 16 80# 5 reps
Press – 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 :180
91.5,96.5,101.5,104,106.5,109,111.5,114 (F)
PB by 6.5 at 111.5
The goal here was just to finish 100 reps with the heaviest weight I could handle at that point. M/30/181#
185 – 1 rep
175 – 2 reps
166 – 3/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/1/1
155 – 3/2/2/2/2/2/1/1/1
135 – 7/5/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/1
Gonna be feeling this one tomorrow for sure!!!
Crescent Heights – deck of cards workout (20 min).
Hearts = dumbell thrusters
Diamonds = dumbell swings
Spades = lunges
Clubs = weighted sit-ups
Jokers = 15 weighted burpies
In turn, each person picks a card, all participants perform exercise according to suit and card number.
Fun class!
50# – 20
55# – 20, 18, 12, 9, 8, 8, 6
Oh yeah, did 60 reps #45 as a “warm-up”……
Did 44# warm up – 35 reps…
49# – 15/12/15/12/11/10/7/6/5/6/1 Total 100
Body Weight – undisclosed!
Thanks Kathleen for the surprise dinner good job on pulling that off (was thrown off, cause you were supposed to be at Crossfit)!
Outdoor workout…deck of cards….used 60lbs…yeah it was gross…especially the weighted burpee’s…
165 lbs: 9/7/5/4/5/5/5/5/5/4/5/5/5/4/5/4/4/4/3/2/3/2. 52 mins.
Did this on May 4, did 85 lbs. for 100
bwt: 168.5 lbs
1 – 20
2 – 20
3 – 19
4 – 17
5 – 17
6 – 13