At 6 am 7 rounds for time
15 db push press. #20
25 jumping pull ups
35 double unders
90 seconds rest
Great wod and great to have you back michelle. Good work everyone
Also Rick is still getting here in the mornings but he’s doing the targeted training practice. He’s such a keener!
March 3rd, 2011 - Maria
Worked to 75# new PR woo hoo ๐ Great job, Katie & Olga, on your PR!! Thank you, Todd.
March 3rd, 2011 - Olga
75/85/90/95/95/100(f)/100/100 [PR]
I am still pinching myself… My last PR was 80lbs or 85lbs in a tempo OHS no long ago.
Thanks to everyone in the back of the room for the help and encouragement, especially Katie and Todd. Congrats on your PR Maria!
March 3rd, 2011 - Katie
Lots of PRs this morning!
65/75/85/95/100/105PR/115PR/120-didn’t go low enough on this one- next time for sure!
Thanks Tlaw and Todd for the help and coaching!! Nice job today Olga and Maria, you both did fantastic and your energy helped me!
March 4th, 2011 - allison
1) Dips 5xbw/5×7.5/5×10/3×12/2×12
2) Front Squat 105×5/115×5/125×5/135×5/140×2
3) Assisted GH raises 4 sets of 5
Thanks DJ
March 4th, 2011 - Chad
Thanks DJ
March 4th, 2011 - Anita
1. OHS- Just worked on tech with 32lbs.
2. Push press 5 x 5 – Did 2 rnds @ 62lbs and 3 rnds @ 72lbs.
Thanks Kelsey for being a great workout partner!
Thanks DJ!
New guy Kent here. Just wanted to say nice work on the PR’s today ladies. Very impressive. Like TLaw said, now that we know what beasts you all are….no sandbagging.
March 4th, 2011 - kris
150#, big PR. Failed 155#
March 4th, 2011 - Old Guy
115/135/145/155/165/175(f)/175. Did workout in a gym( Bowness High School) with a terrible weight rack and it was scary to drop the weight so I was hesitant to go big.
March 4th, 2011 - EvanK11
Only worked up to 185#. Battling a sore wrist and felt it bad at this weight so I stopped. Then did 50 GHD situps for time – 1:40
March 4th, 2011 - Colin B
Felt like I had more in the tank, but ran out of time.
Thanks DJ.
March 4th, 2011 - innerstrength
Neil – 135 lbs PR
Judy – 42 lbs
Thanks DJ!
March 4th, 2011 - Heller
Topped at 145: Overall a miserable showing. Homework on these is a necessity.
March 4th, 2011 - Davidq
Worked up to 210.5#, PR by 10.5.
Really felt the 1/4# each side,thanks DJ
March 4th, 2011 - THE HULK1
185# (5# PR)
tried 200# twice and couldn’t jerk it
Thanks DJ
Neil and David great work guys!
March 4th, 2011 - Stacey D
So good to be back in class the last few nights and see some old faces and new ones. A little sore from yesterday’s WOD but came anyway.
120#, failed at 125# but it was close.
March 4th, 2011 - TMar
Good to see ya back again Stacey… (i’m sure you’ve been around but if I haven’t seen you then the reality is that you’ve been gone)
185/205/215/225 fff/225/235/245ff
Matched my PR of 235. Had some major problems just getting 225 overhead. 235 went OH and up nicely. then 245 wasn’t happening…
March 4th, 2011 - Old Guy
This job on the PR Alvaro….I hope that you stretched before ๐
At 6 am 7 rounds for time
15 db push press. #20
25 jumping pull ups
35 double unders
90 seconds rest
Great wod and great to have you back michelle. Good work everyone
Also Rick is still getting here in the mornings but he’s doing the targeted training practice. He’s such a keener!
Worked to 75# new PR woo hoo ๐ Great job, Katie & Olga, on your PR!! Thank you, Todd.
75/85/90/95/95/100(f)/100/100 [PR]
I am still pinching myself… My last PR was 80lbs or 85lbs in a tempo OHS no long ago.
Thanks to everyone in the back of the room for the help and encouragement, especially Katie and Todd. Congrats on your PR Maria!
Lots of PRs this morning!
65/75/85/95/100/105PR/115PR/120-didn’t go low enough on this one- next time for sure!
Thanks Tlaw and Todd for the help and coaching!! Nice job today Olga and Maria, you both did fantastic and your energy helped me!
1) Dips 5xbw/5×7.5/5×10/3×12/2×12
2) Front Squat 105×5/115×5/125×5/135×5/140×2
3) Assisted GH raises 4 sets of 5
Thanks DJ
Thanks DJ
1. OHS- Just worked on tech with 32lbs.
2. Push press 5 x 5 – Did 2 rnds @ 62lbs and 3 rnds @ 72lbs.
Thanks Kelsey for being a great workout partner!
Thanks DJ!
New guy Kent here. Just wanted to say nice work on the PR’s today ladies. Very impressive. Like TLaw said, now that we know what beasts you all are….no sandbagging.
150#, big PR. Failed 155#
115/135/145/155/165/175(f)/175. Did workout in a gym( Bowness High School) with a terrible weight rack and it was scary to drop the weight so I was hesitant to go big.
Only worked up to 185#. Battling a sore wrist and felt it bad at this weight so I stopped. Then did 50 GHD situps for time – 1:40
Felt like I had more in the tank, but ran out of time.
Thanks DJ.
Neil – 135 lbs PR
Judy – 42 lbs
Thanks DJ!
Topped at 145: Overall a miserable showing. Homework on these is a necessity.
Worked up to 210.5#, PR by 10.5.
Really felt the 1/4# each side,thanks DJ
185# (5# PR)
tried 200# twice and couldn’t jerk it
Thanks DJ
Neil and David great work guys!
So good to be back in class the last few nights and see some old faces and new ones. A little sore from yesterday’s WOD but came anyway.
120#, failed at 125# but it was close.
Good to see ya back again Stacey… (i’m sure you’ve been around but if I haven’t seen you then the reality is that you’ve been gone)
185/205/215/225 fff/225/235/245ff
Matched my PR of 235. Had some major problems just getting 225 overhead. 235 went OH and up nicely. then 245 wasn’t happening…
This job on the PR Alvaro….I hope that you stretched before ๐