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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, March 28, 2019

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:

1 Rope Climb
5 Clean and Jerk – 185#/115#
10 Box Jumps – 30”/24”
15 Toes to Rings
2 Rope Climbs
5 Clean and Jerk – 185#/115#
10 Box Jumps – 30”/24”
15 Toes to Rings
3 Rope Climbs
5 Clean and Jerk – 185#/115#
10 Box Jumps – 30”/24”
15 Toes to Rings ………..continue adding 1 rope climb each round.

Coach’s notes:

Post rounds and reps complete to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 8

Used 115#. Rest rx

115 rep. 3 rounds + 4 rope climb, 5 c&j and 10 box.

4 rounds plus 2 rope climbs. C&J 85#

Fun workout this morning, great job 6AM

Thanks Derek!!

4 Rounds + 1 rope climb Rx’d.
Thanks Derek!

4 rounds + 5 rope climbs + 2 c&j. @ 145# (Rx the rest). That was fun!
Thanks Nat.

4 rounds +5 RC’s + 5 C&J + 10 BJ + 13 RC’s = 163 reps
– Rope climbs rx’d – managed to maintain 2 pulls for all reps.
– Cleans @ 155#
– BJ rx’d
– T2R, these were like rest tonight.
Thanks Kimmer!

+ 13 T2R not 13 RC’s.

4 rounds + 4 rope climbs 155# c&j
Another fun one, all week has been fun..
Nice pace Derek, tried keeping you in my sights tonight but you got further and further away! Haha

Should have listened to my body and taken a rest day – it was one of those battle through kind of gym days. slept in late today because of my work schedule, and then came into open gym. worked on some clean and jerk for a bit, just light tech work, and then did my own cardio type WOD because I didn’t have much time and because I tore my palm really bad with all the muscle ups earlier this week and didn’t want to attempt rope climbs.
I did 3 rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders
20 Bar facing burpees
10 Thrusters (75#)
12:42. Moved really slow. Just didn’t have the gas today. Still, any day in the gym is better than one without!

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