Thursday, March 27, 2008
Deadlift 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
Coach’s notes: Here you go guys and gals! See how much you can pull. Warm up and then go into a couple of heavy 3’s, 2 sets of doubles and then work towards your heavy single in the deadlift. Appropriate rest depends on your “training age” or experience and the amount of weight lifted. The more experience you have, the more rest you will need. Try somewhere between 2 and 5 to 7 minutes between sets. More rest towards the latter sets. Post loads for all sets to comments.
CrossFit Calgary and Optimum Performance Training are hosting a CrossFit running certification on August 9 and 10! Click here to find out details and to register.
Yesterday`s WOD will now be known as “Double L`s“ for Lynette and Lisa who both got their first double unders. Good stuff girls!
Hmmn, looks like she needs some extra work on keeping that front foot out. (Rumour has it, though, she just needs extra work!)
Good job Lynette and Lisa!
Completed appropriate reps with 2-5 minutes rest between sets.
275-315-345-375-385-390-395(PR-I think)-400(PR)
Last set was not pretty but control was good.
Reached both goals I had for today, break 300# and break 2xbody weight (316)
135×3, 185×3, 235×2, 255×3, 275×1, 295, 317(PR), 327(PR).
Tried 337 (f), but it was like if that sucker was bolted to the ground.
227×3, 247×3, 277×2, 297(PR for 1)×2, 317×1 (PR), 322 (Fail), 277, 277.
New PR!!
168×3, 178×3, 188×2, 198×2, 208, 213, 218, 223, 228
No failures, but it was 9:10 p.m. so closed up shop!
Heaviest lift was 371. Not sure what I had for the sets of 2 & 3. Did not find one rep max as this was my first time trying heavy deads. Took some time as I had no bench mark to start at and then ran out of time.
Thanks for the help Trevor. Once I got a feel for the form, the heavy loads were feeling lighter as I progressed.
135×3 / 135×3 / 135×3 / 185×1 / 185×1 / 135×3
185 felt heavy
220 x 3
270 x 3
306 x 3
330 x 2
340 x 2
345 x 1
350 x 1 (PR)
355 x 1
264/308 x3
352/374 x2
385/396/407 x 1
weight felt heavy today, was hoping to get quite a bit higher
Started out light then got up to 331 for 1 rep. Failed at 341.
Second time with the dead lift, so pretty happy.
I’ve got to get more flexible as I found my back was starting to round.
Thanks to Trevor for the pointers.
pb – 180lbs (and-a-half)
397 x 3
407 x 2
412 x 1
DL practice today…first one in while..just a few sets for fun
148 – 3
168 – 3
178 – 2
188 – 2
198 – 1
208 – 1
213 – 1 (failed first attempt, got it on 2nd try)
218 – 1 PB
Not quite the goal of 225…but close!