Thursday, March 19, 2009
Push Jerk – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Coach’s notes: Post load for each set to comments.
Compare to September 6, 2007
CrossFit Kids classes at CFC HQ-Tues 4:15-5 and Sat 8:45-9:30 for children ages 6-12. Introduce your child(ren) to the benefits of CrossFit while you do your WOD, and have them show you how fun fitness can be!! Up to two classes per week for only $50/child/month. Drop in and try it out for only $15/class.
Whoopee, can’t wait to do this one!
glad you are excited Kelley.
Get under it Meredith!
worked up to 101.5, played with a new technique today
practiced pull up’s in between
Managed to work up to 100 with proper form. At 105, I managed to lock arms but did not use proper technique for pushing.
maxed out at 70lbs
105/110/115/120/125/135/140..a new PB for me!
135 – pb
Congrats Erin!!! You made that lift look easy!
Got 195 up and locked out, but had a mental error and bent the arms on the way up…
Worked up to 235lbs. Finally got the knack for dropping under and catching the bar correctly. First time I have been able to do over 200lbs with a solid catch and not have to press it to finish
Neil 135 lbs
Judy 67 lbs
Worked up to 145lbs. Arms and wrists flexibility is my biggest problem
Will post complete numbers when I get the sheet from Amy…made it to 115 (PB) failed a few times at 120 and at 117.5…just a matter of the confidence in getting under the weight!
Great Job tonight Amy!
Sorry Kell! Here you go.
Kelley’s lifts: