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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, June 5, 2008


3 rounds for time: 

800m run

24 – 30 lb. DB Thruster

24 – Medicine Ball Cleans

24 – Cal Row 

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 30lb. for the thruster and gals 20lb. and guys use 20lb and gals 12lb for the cleans.  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 14

This looks like a very interesting butt kicker!!!!!!!!!!!


As Rx’d (well, 22lb med ball…)

Linda today

Thanks Trev and Mike for the encouragement, (If that is what you were doing Mike 😉

8:20 for first time, very happy, Sub 7:45 next time.

Nice work on Linda Rob

Helen today
9:19, thanks for timing Mike.

Made a few modifications:

80 box jumps
24 db thrusters (30lb db’s)
24 squat cleans (45lb barbell)
24 cal row


30:38, db thrusters 12.5#
Credit NPR for being able to run with a rib still on the mend
Credit Crossfit for being able to walk after this workout….

Another challenging workout!
Neil: 35:23, 25 lb db thrusters, 1st round ran, 2nd & 3rd rounds 80 steps up and down on a box
Judy: 33:21, 10 lb db thrusters, all rounds 80 steps up and down on a box instead of running

Had to use a 14lb medicine ball for the cleans. Nothing heavier at the gym. Everything else as Rx’d.

outdoor class:

50 20″ rope jumps
50 push ups
50 walking lunges
50 push presses (25 lb dumb bells)
50 sit ups
50 “tree” balls (16 lb)
50 back extensions
50 Push up Burpee’s

Time: 12:40

very tough workout as usual…

Nice work Steve

Same workout as Steve except for the tree ball (12lb):

Time: 18:09

Great workout…I’m feeling it today!

As Rx’d

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