Thursday, June 3, 2010
7 rounds for times:
20 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps
Rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Guys use 24 ” and gals 18″ for box jumps. Post total working time for all sets to comments.
7 rounds for times:
20 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps
Rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Guys use 24 ” and gals 18″ for box jumps. Post total working time for all sets to comments.
6am class:
A) AMRAP in 10 min of 3 Shoulder Press, 6 Push Press, 9 Push Jerk – 6 rounds + 3 sp and 6 pp. Started with 42lbs but dropped to 33lbs.
B) KB swings 30s/30s rest x 5 – 16,18,18,19,17 with 0.7pood
C) 15 GHD situps/60s rest x 3 – 3:38 inc rest
That was a really great class – thank you Michelle and Colin!!! Very fun
6 AM class (thanks for writing it out Meredith):
A) 5 rounds even; first 2 with 52#, rest with 42# (struggled with shoulder press in second round, so decided to drop the weight to be able to keep the workout moving)
B) 1 pood; 15/16/16/15/15
C) didn’t look at the time; rd1 – unbroken, rd2 – 10/5, rd3 – 8/4/3 (hips were fried)
Thanks so much Michelle and Colin! That was a really fun workout; it was nice to join the 6AM group for a change!
Also at 6 a.m.
A. using 52# did 4 rounds plus 1 shoulder press
B. KB swing with 1pood 15/15/12 lost momentum/15/15
C. GHD situp 3:15
It was a fun class, think my shoulders will be feeling this one tomorrow.
Thanks Michelle and Colin. Good work everyone.
Wow…I’m 2 for 2 in screwing up the Wod….I did it backwards, Box Jumps then Pull Ups.
2:38/2:45/3:25/3:41/3:51/3:45/3:17 = I dunno…23 minutes and something. Math booo.
Did 24.5″ box jumps for first 4 sets, then scaled down to 22.5″ for last 3.
Did not get any of the Pull Up Sets unbroken.
Got 1 blister.
As Rx and Pull ups were broken.
3:18/3:20/4:58/6:26/5:33/5:15/4:31= Total time not including rest 33:21.
This was a “FUN” work out! Seriously, a great class! Good work Darren!
R1: 0:51s PU unbroken
R2: 0:53s PU unbroken
R3: 0:54s PU unbroken
R4: 0:52s PU unbroken
R5: 0:54s PU unbroken
R6: 1:10s PU 15+5
R7: 1:18s PU 12+5+3
Notes: Got a nasty blood blister in R6 which caused me to come off the bar…no tears but this sucker is big and filled with lots of blood…my arms still feel like jello. Also for Box jumps I decided not to do metcon style and went with step downs…the former could make rounds faster
As rx’d, working time per round:
Right hand didn’t tear until the last rep of pull up!
As rx’d, round times as follows:
Ripped my hands at the end of round five, which slowed me down considerably. Somehow I’ve lost the ability I once had to push through rips in my hands. Good workout…well done everybody!
As rx’d
Broken Reps
Michelle you were right about new boundries. Thanks
Everyone did really great.
Yikes, OK I think that I am going to leave these kind of wod’s for the evening. I was jello the rest of the day. 9:30 class did amazing! Hands ripped round 4 made things a little tougher, thanks Michelle for the push. You are right about the water, what is with that? Water is supposed to help and heal things, Not hurt. Anyhow Total time was 32:06. Broken reps and Purple band for R1 and Blue for the rest. Minus the 12 min rest. So I guess working times was 20:06.
I was the first one finished in the 6pm class…it’s just a crying shame that I started with the 5pm group! Nice. I conveniently lost my time sheet.. in total 50 something including plenty of rest..dear dear. I need to do these hanging wods for practice and hopefully within a year it will be about “time”. Nice work in the 6pm class! Thanks Laura for the encouragement (I can always use it) and the laughs!
Thanks Laura for waiting for me. I showed up at 8 pm thinking there was a class!
At home – 20″ box
Total time: 29:50
Working time: 17:50
Round times: 1:29/2:23/2:45/2:58/3:05/2:31/2:12
Round 1 was unbroken PU. Other rounds were sort of 8+4+3+3+2.
In round 4 I spent time shooing a bee away from my head.
I don’t know what went on in round 5.
Steve G – some seriously fast times there.