Thursday, June 21, 2018
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
15 Wallballs
35 ft. Crab Walk
55 Double Unders
TT WOD – Gymnastics:
A1. Handstand Walk – 50 ft. X 5 sets, rest 90-120s
Notes: Scales and progressions = partner spotted freestanding holds and walks, if position is maintained, walks into wall, walks with feet on box, progress feet and hips higher. If 50 feet is in your wheelhouse add obstacle challenges.
A2. Kipping Bar Muscle-ups/Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups/Kipping Chin over Bar Pull-ups – 10-12-10 reps X 5 sets, rest 90-120s
Notes: If you do not yet have strict chin over bar pull-ups continue to work on strict (banded) pull-ups. If you have strict X 3 reps, progress to kipping.
B1. Seated Reverse Dumbbell Fly – 10-12 reps @ 3011 X 3 sets, rest 60-90s
B2. Paused Kettlebell Swings – 10-12 reps X 3 sets, rest 60-90s
Notes: Pause 3s at the top each rep.
7 rounds + 8 wallballs rx’d.
Definitely went to that dark place.
May have blacked out in the last minute…
Thanks Tania!!!!
Well I had a great time but just couldn’t muster any go today. 7 slow rounds with skipping that was crap. Props to everyone who found the go! Enjoy the sunny day!!
10r + 15 + 7ft
Thanks Colin for letting us in this morning!
Thanks Coach.
8 rounds + 15WB’s.
Thought I had a 20# WB but realized in round 3 that is was only 18#. Oops.
thanks Colin – good WOD,
into the 7th round – great BBQ at the end just to be sure things were finished off.
Great WOD!
Got into the 9th round with a 12 lb ball and 1 minute skipping – attempting some DUs. I have only strung 2 together until tonight…I hit 9! Yay for progress.
Thanks Colin.