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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, July 8, 2021

A. As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes:

5 Front Squat – (from floor) – 135#/95#
10 Shoulder to Overhead – 135#/95#
30s Max. Cals Rower

B. As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes:

10 Medicine Ball Cleans – 20#/14#
10 Medicine Overhead Squats
20 Lateral Hops Over Ball

Coach’s notes:

Post total number of Cals rowed in A and rounds and reps complete in B to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 5

A. 41 cals at 115#
B. Finished the 12:00 AMRAP in 11:31. Think that is a PR. In other words I finished a movement with 0:29 to go and then quit. Not sure about rounds. Was one round behind Nick and Brett. OHS and lateral hops unbroken.
Sweaty one today.
Thanks Shannon.

A: Rx: 54 cals on rower. ….. fuck you S2OH

B: Rx: 8R + 8 med ball cleans… fuck you med ball cleans.

Did this at 7pm after class. Wish I could do it with my fit friends in class.

See you tomorrow xoxo 💋 Ragnar

A. Ooooooo, tight one, I gamed the lifting hard in order to row me little heart out, 55 Cals.
B. 6 rounds + 10 + 10 + 4. Back was a little, actually a lot fried from yesterday’s deadlifts!

I have no idea how many cals or rounds in either set. Goal was to keep moving. Mostly successful! 45# barbell, 12# medball. Couldn’t get my head around rebounding the jumps. But did manage to jump OVER each time (not behind!) without wiping out. Win!

Lots of fun WODs lately, this one included. Love it!!

A) 5r+5+7 54 cals
B) 7r +8 I think
Thanks Derek!

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