Thursday, July 31, 2008
6 rounds for time:
25 Overhead Walking Lunges
25 Push Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 45 lb and gals 25 lb barbell for the lunges. Post time to complete to comments.
Want to learn to kip? CrossFit Calgary will be hosting a kipping pull up seminar on August 16, 2008 at 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Cost is $35/ person.
Contact Leighanne at to register. Spots are limited to 12.
The next session of CrossFit KIDS classes at OPT starts on Sunday, August 24 and runs for 8 weeks to Sunday, October 12.
We are also offering WEDNESDAY at 5 pm classes starting on Wednesday, August 27-October 15.
CrossFit Kids classes are an excellent way for children aged 6-12 to develop a love of fitness and to see strength and conditioning improvements in their daily lives and other sports, in a positive and FUN environment. Classes qualify for the Canadian Children’s Tax Credit.
Please contact Leighanne at for registration and more details. Please note that spaces are limited.
As Rx’d
Despite resting yesterday, I’m STILL feeling the effects of Monday’s thrusters…
Having issues with lunges so did 5k run instead(incl up Nose hill Dr-wanted to get on the bus 1/2 way but had no change so had to tough it out-actually felt good to finish) 34:37
As Rx’d
Neil as rx’d 27:08
Judy – first 3 rounds 22lbs, 4th round 15 lbs, 5th & 6th round 10 lbs, pushups from knees – 27:05 tough but fun