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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, July 31, 2008

6 rounds for time:

25 Overhead Walking Lunges

25 Push Ups

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lb and gals 25 lb barbell for the lunges.  Post time to complete to comments.

Want to learn to kip? CrossFit Calgary will be hosting a kipping pull up seminar on August 16, 2008 at 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Cost is $35/ person. 

Contact Leighanne at optadmin@optimumtraining.ca to register.   Spots are limited to 12. 

The next session of CrossFit KIDS classes at OPT starts on Sunday, August 24 and runs for 8 weeks to Sunday, October 12. 

We are also offering WEDNESDAY at 5 pm classes starting on Wednesday, August 27-October 15. 

CrossFit Kids classes are an excellent way for children aged 6-12 to develop a love of fitness and to see strength and conditioning improvements in their daily lives and other sports, in a positive and FUN environment.  Classes qualify for the Canadian Children’s Tax Credit. 

Please contact Leighanne at optadmin@optimumtraining.ca for registration and more details.  Please note that spaces are limited.

Comments: 5

As Rx’d
Despite resting yesterday, I’m STILL feeling the effects of Monday’s thrusters…


Having issues with lunges so did 5k run instead(incl up Nose hill Dr-wanted to get on the bus 1/2 way but had no change so had to tough it out-actually felt good to finish) 34:37

As Rx’d

Neil as rx’d 27:08
Judy – first 3 rounds 22lbs, 4th round 15 lbs, 5th & 6th round 10 lbs, pushups from knees – 27:05 tough but fun

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