Thursday, July 29, 2010
A. 4 rounds for time:
100 m Run
25 Squat
Rest 2:00 exactly
B. 45 Jumping Pull-up Burpees
Rest 2:00
C. 100 OH Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
D. 90 Anchored Sit-ups
Coach’s notes: Do these in any order you choose. Guys use 20 lb med balls, gals 14 lb, for walking lunges. In jumping pull-up burpees heights will vary, just make sure the bar is out of reach. Post time for each set and total time to comments in the order that you did them.
23:10. Wow, that was rough. Thanks Todd!
That’s was for sure painful on the lungs and legs.
Rx’d 25:31:50
Thx Todd!
Time included rest time!
At 6 a.m. something different…
On the minute for 25 minutes
1 DL
2 Cleans
3 Split Jerks
This was a fun one (cause the weigh was doable all the way)
Adelle 52# 1-8, 57# 9-25 (should have gone up from the beginning)
Rick 67#
Thanks Michelle! Nice work Cory & Rob.
B-C-D-A as Rxd
That was a leg burn!!
Modified due to equipment available, but not scaled.
Did 45 non-jumping burpees then 45 JPU.
Used 25 lb. DB for OHWL
B – 5:25
C – 6:00
A – 6:15
D – 2:09
Total – 25:54
Wish I had done “A” first because “C” killed my “A” time. “C” time would have been slow no matter when I did “A”.
Could have kept my order and skipped “C” all together but that would just be BAD.
Did this wod at the cottage. I used a can of paint for OHWL (10 lbs). Had to modify the jumping pull up burpees for non-jumping burpees and pull ups (didn’t have anything to stand on for jumping ups so did kipping ups).
A. 4:53
B. 10:04
C. 4:49
D. 2:28
Total time: 28:14 working time: 22:14
A. 3:15
(a bunch of other stuff that wasn’t B or C)
D. 2:20
B. 5:52
D. 3:18
C. 4:02
A. 4:34
Neil as rx’d – order of WOD B, A, D, C – Total time 33:19 working time 27:19
Judy – jumping pullups for pullups and 12 lb med ball(should of used 14) – order of WOD B, A, C, D -Total time 34:12 working time 28:12
Correction Judy – used the short stool for jumping pullups
B: 7:34
A: 4:44
C: 5:16
D: 1:58
Total working time: 19:32
(all as rx’d)
Oh and Judy and Neil, it was great seeing you again! It was fun to be in the same class as you; it’s been too long! Awesome work today!
A. 3:26
(see Kris’s above – bunch of other stuff) including 2 Muscle Ups x 5 sets! (yippee my first time doing 2 in a row!)
D. 2:32
Katrin!! sweet time on wod today!!! your situps rock!
As rx’d. 35:23 total. Not pretty, but got it done.
B – 11:02
C – 6:41
A – 7:10
D – 5:20.
24:47 as rx’d.
I think it was something like:
A. 3:58
B. 6:04
C. 6:00
D. 2:45
But I could be slightly confused!
21:25 working time as rx’d
Great to see a bunch of coaches out doing the WOD today – Kris, DJ, Michelle, Erin. Thanks to Michelle for sticking around till the 8:00 class so that I could do this one with the class too. During the warm-up Michelle went around telling everyone that a drink of their choice was on the line if anyone in the 8:00 class could beat any of my times. Honestly, I had serious concerns about my sit-ups going down, especially with Audra in the class. When the dust settled my sit-ups held up by a mere 7s, but little did I know that Ryan S. was going to tackle the jumping pull-up burpees first and knock off a set in 4:16, setting he bar over me by 4s! Strong work brother! Super fun tonght guys!
My times and order:
C. 1:55
A. 2:56
B. 4:20
D. 2:23
Total working time = 11:34
Total time at end 17:34, all rests 2:00 exactly.
So much fun tonight!
A. 3:50
B. 6:33 (and about 5 burpees shy of puking)
C. 3:46
D. 2:30 (oh so very close Brett! If only Michelle had screamed at me just a little louder…Just for the record, my drink of choice is ALWAYS alcohol!)
Thanks Michelle (I do like the yelling!)…..and NICE WORK Ryan S!!!
Strategy – not so much………but it did work to beat Brett on the Burpee-Pull-Up!!
B – 4:16
C – 3:38
D – 3:47 giving the legs a rest
A – 5:01
Working Time – 16:34
Total time – 22:34
My total time was more like 40 min
Did GHD sit ups instead of anchored ones and that took a lot of time
Did the run in 4:55 min and the overhead right after, then GHDs and the Jumping burpee pull ups. I had nothing left when I got to the burpees.
Katrin, it was a nice surprise to see you again and awesome time tonight, you have improved so much since we first worked out together, congrats!
A – 3.30
B – 5.56
C – 4.22
D – 2.44
Work time – 16.32
Total time – 22.32
Good class tonight.
A – 3.21
D – 2.38
C – 4.44
B – 11.03 (my jump-dangle-kip technique wasn’t the best for these)
Working time – 21.46
Total time – 27.46
Hmmm…it’s going to be really hard to ‘fib’ about being compliant with my back rehab program now!!! BUT, I couldn’t resist…Looked like a really ‘fun’ WOD and I haven’t run for 2 1/2months. I thought 100m runs would be the perfect way to start. Didn’t sprint, but don’t think that would have improved my time cuz’ it would have just screwed up my squats more!!!! Had an IMS treatment today so opted not to do the walking lunges. Did A, B, and D in that order. Back is a little sore, but it was worth it!!!!
A. 4:04
B. 6:02
D. 2:40
Lots of fun in class tonight. Ryan…GREAT WORK!!!! I owe you a drink of your choice that I’ll bring into CFC for you. If you’re like Audra and prefer alcohol I’ll bring that in…just don’t tell anyone!
Audra…Great fun ‘yelling’ at you. Way to step up to try and ‘beat Brett’. You were such a trooper!!! Next time for sure…
Katrin…amazing sit ups!!! I still remember your first CrossFit class….you, like so many members, have come such a long way!!!!
Great atmosphere and great WOD Brett!