Thursday, July 24, 2008
7 rounds for time:
10 Shoulder Press
20 Push Press
30 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Our apologies for the website being down. We are making appropriate steps to ensure that this will not happen in the future. Thank you for your patience and continued support. For today’s WOD, guys use 65 lbs and gals use 45 lbs for the shoulder press and push press. Post time to complete to comments.
Yesterdays WOD:
4 rounds
400m run
25 clean and jerk (95lb)
18:XX…tough wod…first time doing C&J…need to work on all my O-lifting….
good job to all in class…
Good to have you back in action…I did “Fran” today, subbing 45# & did jumping pu’s, respectively. Total time – 7:23…not great, had to keep recovering from the splitting headache I got from doing the jumping pu’s, sheesh.
32:22 as rx’d …………… as usual struggled very much on the double unders. Good practice though. By the seventh round I was finally able to string up to 7 DU’s in a row so its coming.
22:24 as rx’d
Outdoor class:
Warm up – 3 rounds of 1 hill sprint, 10 ring dips (rings tied to a tree branch), 1 lap around field (top of crescent heights stairs)
As many rounds as possible in 20 min of…
5-10-15 of something else
5 clean and jerks with either dumb bells (I used 30 lbs) or a 50 lb sand bag
10 push presses with either DBs or bag (presses with bag really sucked)
15 ball slams (16lb ball)
I did 15 rounds…thought I was going to power puke…brutal WOD
Someone needs to remind Todd to bring a rope for next weeks class…and the pull up bar…
Good work to everyone in the outdoor class tonight…and for those who have not tried on come out to Crescent Heights on Thursday night 6pm…it is fun to watch us work out next to the boot camp people…
note: for C & J it was a squat clean and jerk…
As Rx’d
75lb Hang Squat Clean
Jumping chins