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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lauren's ripped up hands post CF games


Lauren's ripped up hands post CF games


 21, 15 ,9 rep rounds for time of:

95 lb Barbell Thruster


Coach’s notes:  Gals use 65 lbs for the thruster.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to April 25, 2008

Want to learn to kip? CrossFit Calgary will be hosting a kipping pull up seminar on August 16, 2008 at 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Cost is $35/ person. 

Contact Leighanne at optadmin@optimumtraining.ca to register.   Spots are limited to 12. 

Comments: 6

holy crap…those skin tears are…umm…intense….ouch…

lat time was 13:21 July 5

outdoor class:


Med ball cleans (16lb), Dumb bell swings (used 2 25 lb DBs), push ups, sit ups

300 reps total

time: 9:36

As Rx’d

10:24 as rxd with asistance from yellow tubing for kips, gotta go faster!
chest to bar right?

Need to get more weights at home for next time.
50lbs (total) dumbell Thrusters

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