Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Part 1:
As many 1-5 Back Squat Ladder in 10 minutes:
Part 2:
Alternating Tabatas of:
GHD Sit-ups
Jumping Pull-ups
Coach’s notes: For the ladder you must rack the bar between each set in the ladder. In other words, take the bar off the rack and perform 1 squat, then re-rack it, take the bar back out and perform 2 squats, re-rack it, remove it again and do 3 reps, etc. up to 5 reps, then start again at 1 rep. Guy’s weight is 225 lbs and gal’s 155lbs. Post rounds of ladder complete and load used (if scaled) and total Tabata reps for each exercise to comments. Rest as needed between parts 1 and 2.
4 rounds + 1 + 2 @ 125lbs… happy i didn’t go heavier, this was tough
alternating tabata jumping pull-ups/GHD sit-ups 20/5/17/8/16/7/17/8/17/8/15/8/14/8/18/9
totals: 134 jumping pull-ups, 61 GHD sit-ups
4 rounds @ 100#…jumping pu’s – 84 & reg. sit-ups – 100
3 rounds + 1 + 2 at 125#
GHD’s: 10/8/2*/9/8/8/6/6 (*wrong setting on ghd machine)
jpu’s: 18/16/9/16/16/15/13/20
Thanks Brett! Krista, nice wodding wit you.
Leighanne: i’m so not sure now.. however, we may have been at 4 rounds + ?? I should keep better track!
3 rounds +1+2+3+4 or may be off a round
GHDs: 10/8/8/8/8/8/7/7
jpu’s: 28/25/22/22/22/18/18/21
Ditto Leigh!!! need to do more wods! Brett: thanks so much!
4 sets + 1+2+3
JPU’s 18/12/11/10/10/11/12/11 = 95
GHD’s 5/4/6/5/5/5/4/7 = 41
as rx’d
4 rnds + 1 + 2
JPU – 19/20/19/19/15/17/17/16
Situps (GHD Machine was too far away) – 9/9/9/8/8/9/9/8
Back squat at 205lb (high bar)
4 rounds
Didn’t really keep track of each JPU and GHD
JPU started around 27, finished around 17
GHT started at 11, finished at 8. I think.
100lbs for back squat
3 rounds +1+2+3
GHD’s were all occupied so I did unanchored sit ups. Started with jumping pull ups.
JPU – 26/20/19/17/16/16/17/19 = 150
SU – 11/16/16/15/13/14/14/14 = 113
145lbs for squats 3 rds. +1+2+3 Not too sure on exact numbers for JPU’s and GHD’s but JPU’s were between 15 and 25 and GHD’s were between 7 and 10. Thanks DJ.
Neil – 145 lbs for squats 4 rds
JPU – 15/12/12/12/12/12/12/12 = 99
GHD – 10/10/10/8/6/6/6 = 56
Judy – 65 lbs for squats – 3 rds +1+2+3+4
JPU – 18/15/15/15/14/13/12/12 = 114
GHD – 8/8/8/7/7/7/6/7 = 58
Brett, sure like the two part programing, great to incorporate weight and cardio.
105# – 6 rounds + 1+2+3 (maybe should have done a higher weight?)
started with JPU – 26/24/27/27/27/27/27/27
Unfortunately, did something to my lower ab a few weeks ago and tried GHD but did not feel ok, so tried sit ups and still felt off, so I did “planks”. Nice work to everyone at the 6pm class and thanks Anita and John for lifting with me after class, it was fun. Thanks Brett, I liked that work out too!
Part One:
165# @ 3 rounds + 1 + 2 + 3
Part Two:
JPU/GHD = 12/7,19/9,16/7,14/5, 7/4, 11/5, 14/6, 13/6
Part Three:
Lifting with Anita and Katie. (Ladies, thanks for the invite!)
5 Rounds of 5 Push-Press
The legs are going to hurt!
225 lbs for back squat
2 rounds +1+2+3 +4
anchored sit ups. Started with jumping pull ups.
JPU – 27/24/22/18/19/19/20/20 = 169
SU – 15/10/7/7/7/7/7/11 = 71
Good work out… I am messed up
TT homework instead of squat ladder
Front Squat x5, 115/135/145/155/165
Press x5, 65/75/85/95/105×4+F+F
No time for DL tonight.
Tabata section
JPU = 25 all rounds except last was 26
GHD = 7 all rounds except 1st and last which were 8
115lbs for back squat
4 rounds
didn’t keep track of the tabatas
1) 85lbs for 5 rounds.
2) Tabata:
JPU: 23/20/15/15/15/15/15/16
GHD: 9/6/6/7/7/7/7/7
Thanks John and Katie for lifting practice.
Great WOD Brett!!
1) 165# 3 rounds 1+2+3+4
2)JPU: 24/22/24/21/17/16/14/14
GHD: 9/8/7/7/7/7/7/7
The JPU are a bit of a guesstimate.
1) 2Rds +1+2+3+4 with 155# low bar.
2) JP 15 to 20 and GHD 7 per round
As Rx’d
3 rounds +1+2+3+4
5 min rest
Pushup/box jump WOD