Thursday, January 14, 2010
As many rounds in 25 minutes of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Ring Dips
15 GHD Raises
30 Unbroken Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
As many rounds in 25 minutes of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Ring Dips
15 GHD Raises
30 Unbroken Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Great job Chantal!!
Hey Chantal,
Congrats on the new PR!!!!
90 lbs!!! Way to go Chantal!
Nice lift, Chantal! You’re my HERO! 🙂
Way to go Chantal!!!
Fantastic lift Chantal! Way to go!!!!
BEAUTIFUL LIFT! Way to go, Chantal!!
Atta Girl! That was awesome, you made it look effortless!
THANKS Ladies…I have an awesome Coach (and amazing workout Partner too)! Brett moved me from 65-90 lbs in 4 weeks on Snatch-only 5 lbs more and 28 reps and I will be doing Isabelle! Regards, Chantal
5 rounds + 1 rope climb, 10 ring dips
rope climb – pull and hold not strong enough to do a full pull just yet.
ring dips – blue band assisted
GHD raises – back ext. and hold
Chantal Good Work! 😉
Rope Climb, Ring Dip and GHD raises all at RXed.
DU…one at a time. Attempts, Attempts. Yuk!
4 Rounds Plus I rope climb, 10 ring dips, and 15 GHD raises
Chantal – that is a GREAT lift! Nice Job!
4 Rounds plus 1 rope climb, 10 ring dips, 15 GHD raises and 3 DU’s (almost!!! 5 rounds)
as rx’d
**quads felt super sore today – making those darn GHD raises slow!!! 5,then 3s &2s**
rounds 1 & 2: took 3 times to finally complete unbroken DU’S, rounds 3 & 4: unbroken 1st time**
Kris: great class! thanks!
I’m afraid my computer won’t let me see Chantal’s amazing work…I’m sure it’s great.
Anyway, I did the Monday WOD today at the Y. Mostly rx’d – did the med ball cleans from a hang. Having knee issues right now. 17:33
If anyone is interested in ordering Adidas Oly lifting shoes please contact me by sunday Jan 17th to get in on an order I am making. Check out the shoes at the following website.
If you want a pair, email me at and provide me with the model and size you are looking for.
DJ. Isn’t there an “m” at the end of your name? Just looking at your email addy.
This one won’t load for me either… I really want to see Chantal’s lift.
At 6 a.m.
5 Rounds for time
15 inverted burpies (reach/roll sort of followed by a handstand)
25 Wall balls – Adelle 8# Rick 12
15 burpies
1 minute rest
Adelle 27:43 Rick 27:25
This was one hard workout, my shoulders will be feeling it tomorrow.
Thanks DJ and Colin
no “m” in the email…. stupid university of calgary!
Nice job Chantal!!!!
Neil – 4 rounds + 1 rope climb + 5 ring dips
Judy – 4 rounds of doing the best I can with all these difficult movements – actually did a couple of rds of unbroken DU’s
Congratulations Chantal on your great accomplishment!
Chantal – not to sound crass and I am sincere when I say this, GREAT SNATCH!! WOO HOO! Congrats:)
6 rounds + 1 rope climb + 2 ring dips pretty much as rx’d.
I say pretty much because I’m sure there were some GHD raises that would not have passed scrutiny. GHD raises were definitely the bottleneck here. I’m pretty sure I spent at least half of the time on them alone.
Rope Climb – Certainly not as rx’d but a few pulls off the floor.
Ring dips – rnd #1: 3 as rx’d and 7 with purple band, #2 same as #1, #3: 2 as rx’d and 8 with purple band, #4 – same as #3, #5-#7 all assisted with purple band.
GHD raises for the most part as rx’d. Piked a few in the last round.
DU – did 25 unbroken for all rounds. 25 DUs was the # written on the board at CFC however here on the site it written as 30 DUs.
Total: 6 rounds + rope climb + 10 ring dips + 15 GHD raises + 22 DUs
WOW Krista! I am so impressed that you did this WOD as rx’d. Amazing!!
Great work Katie even with an injury you still kept going.
4 rounds plus 1 m up the rope twice.
And now the fine print:
2nd round rope climb felt so much worse than first that I only went 3/4 of the way to be safe
By 3rd and 4th climbs was used to it so went all the way again. Used feet to rest but not to push.
Did DU’s broken. Did 30 first two rounds as per website then read whiteboard and did 25 for last two rounds. Best set was 15 unbroken in first round.
Barbell TT homework, 8 reps, 5 sets each
Front Squat 125#
Press 4 at 75# 1 at 65#
DL 1 at 225, 7 at 205
Ran out of time for dips.
4 rounds
rope climb started from sitting position with arms only and then used feet to help push to the beam. I came tonight primarily for the rope climb which is new to me. It was fun but I can imagine it’s a real challenge with arms only. Maybe one day!
Ring dips with purple band.
Subbed GHD raises for back extensions with a 3-count hold.
DU were broken but managed to string together 22 on round 2.
Intense workout! Thanks Stacey and Brett!
3 rounds + GHDs + dips +rope hang for 5 seconds
3 Rope climbs with legs to the white beam from sitting position.
Dips were harder than they ought to have been, mostly broken with loads of rest.
DU’s strait through on first attempt for the three rounds, lots of preparatory rest.
Good workout still, glad I went. Glad it is over.
5 rounds, but only 1 was actually as rx’d
rest the rope climbs were just past the 10 foot mark or so
Hang squats for me to WARM UP!! Yes I did warm up today! 95/115/125/135/140/145/150/155/160(f). I have to stop being afraid of bending my elbows quicker. I am getting under the bar but the elbows are not fast enough. When it gets heavy it gets scary!!
Then I did the workout of the day and ring dips and raises where very hard. Manage to steal 5 rounds, but only because Stacey was being nice to me. am sure that if Cory was the judge on this one I would still be trying to finish my first round.!