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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, February 4, 2010

100 Walking Lunges

50 Back Extensions

20 OHS

50 Double Unders

50 Walking Lunges

25 Back Extensions

10 OHS

25 Double Unders

100 Walking Lunges


Coach’s notes:  Guys 115 lbs and gals 75 lbs for OHS.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 16

6.00am class, 30 snatch + 30 clean and jerk. Used 85#. I know I looked at the clock but it might have been too early for me to retain information as I have no idea of my time.

At 6:00 a.m. above “Isa Grace” for time
Rick used 52# time 7:03
Adelle used 42# time 10:40
Followed by (just cause there was time left over) Tababta Knees to Elbows
Thanks DJ for the extra bit.

Scaled to 42#, too light, 19:54
Thanks Kris!

10:45 for 6 am class with 85lbs

Hey guys
Sorry there was a typo, gals weight for OHS is 75 lbs. not 95.

Judy – Well thanks Brett for correcting that; now I don’t feel quite so bad doing 22 lb OHS – 21:13
Neil – stayed home and watched TV 🙂

14:39 with 65lbs (next time 75) – that was a good one to come back to after a week off – thanks Brett.


that was terrible.


65# squats, next time try 70#’s

Good workout. Should be feeling this one.

14:16 with 42# OHS. Rest as rx’d.
Thanks Brett!

19:05 as RX’d.

I agree with Derek. It was horrible!

Hey Katrin,
Thank you so much for staying and handling the timer and providing encouragement while I did my workout. It was certainly unexpected, but very much appreciated!!!

Did front squat (@75lbs) instead of OHS.
Thanks Brett!

Scaled OHS to 42#

As rx’d 22:47

As Rx’d (except 45# good mornings for back X)

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