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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, February 28, 2008


1 round for time:


Row 800m

40 Deadlift

Row 600m

20 Deadlift

Row 400m

10 Deadlift

Row 200m


Coach’s notes:  Guys use body weight in the deadlift, gals use 70% body weight or scale these loads as appropriate.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 4

Man, she got around that night. Tramp.

What a great remedy for walking lunge syndrome (the stairs were not my friend last night). 40 deads were a treat. Completed in 18:07 (175lbs).


As Rx’d

25:25 — 217#’s

Some delay on equipment at gym (this was a blessing)

As Rx’d 18:18 at 185lbs. Holding onto the barbell was the toughest part. Looks like I need to work on grip strength.

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