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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lauren at Barbell cert in Edmonton


150 Wallballs for time

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 20 and gals 12 lbs for wallball to a height of 10 feet.  Post time to complete to comments.

Due to city inspection and equipment shipment delays we will need to delay our CFC HQ opening by one week.  Classes will be operating out of OPT as usual from March 1, – March 7, 2009.  Official opening of the new facility will be on Sunday, March 8.  Membership fees will be prorated to reflect this delay.  For more information or inquiries please contact admin@crossfitcalgary.ca 


Comments: 9

ooh karen, brutal. yeah for rest days!

10:02 with a 22 lbs ball. The extra 2 lbs is noticeable!

Modified. 15# DB Thrusters – both arms tonight!!!



ball felt way too heavy tonight!


Neil 10:16
Judy modified 75 95lb deadlifts & 75 back extensions – 10:49

10:43. i thought I did better than that, but the watch never lies! Dissapointed and mad 🙂

Steve you made it look like you were tossing a 10lb ball…. looked pretty strong to me…. N

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