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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, February 23, 2017

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 8 minutes of:

15 Cal Row
10 Deadlift – 135#/95#
5 Burpees over Bar

Coach’s notes:

Post rounds and reps complete to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 13

4 rounds even although I think I snuck in that last burpee after time was called. Thanks Colin and great work/turnout 6am!

4 rounds + 15 RX’d
Thanks OG! Nice work 7am!

3 rounds used 73lbs for the deadlift.
Thanks Colin, great effort at 6 am!

4 rounds plus 2 cal rx’d
Fun WOD, great job 10 am’ers!
Fantastic class hot toddie! Love the mobility!

4 burpees short of 6 rounds as Rx’d.
Thanks for the 8 full minutes of motivational barking Todd …it worked!

4 rounds plus 5 cals rx’d

Good work 10am


4 rounds plus 10 cal rx
Thanks Todd 🙂

4 rounds even.
Probably could have pushed the rows a little more…
Thanks Todd!

5 rounds + 7

4 rounds + 15
time called when I was heading to the bar
Great work 6am!

5R+8 couldn’t catch Derek tonight.

Thanks Todd!

5 rounds even

Where did that come from Derek

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