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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Toes to bar on the minute.

Coach’s notes:  Post rounds + reps completed to comments.

Today’s schedule will be a modfied class schedule due to the holiday.  A 9:30 am class and a 2:00 pm class will be available for member and drop in attendance.  Happy New Year’s!

Comments: 11

If anyone is needing something to do tonight, I have some free promo tickets left for Flames Central. Flames vs Oilers, then the post game party with band, “Urban Divide” and myself DJ’ing. If anyone is interested, my cell is 403-689-0062. Happy New Year!

12 + 12!! so close!
Thanks Todd, thanks Rob – nice work to everyone in 9:30 class!
Chantal you were on fire!
Happy New Year’s!!!!!

10 + 6… grip went. chantal killed it!


Fun class. Thanks Gord and Laura!

13 rounds + 9

I kipped straight through until round 9, then I partially kipped for a couple rounds. The last 2 rounds were all singles though.

11 + 6
Grip yet again the issue. Really wanted to get 12 rounds, but it just wasn’t meant to happen today!
Thanks Gord and Laura!


13rds + 13
Happy new year everyone!

Happy New Year !!

7 only, not in a class.

Obviously I need to work on this. Continued to practice for remainder of class.
Thanks Gord and Laura!

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