Thursday, December 23, 2021
A. Alternating each round complete EMOM for 10 minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups, then
5 Strict Toes to Bar
B. For time complete:
2,000/1,600-m row
– At 1:00 complete 1 burpee over the rower, at 2:00 complete 2 burpees over the rower, at 3:00 complete 3 burpees over the rower. Continue this pattern until you complete the 2,000/1,600-m row.
Hi! Bhskwiqhsndjeh is how I feel about that wod hahaha
Really loving the banded technique for hand stand pushups.
Thanks coach Ragnar for pushing me through the end of the row.
I had to scale with 3 burpees each minute. Looking forward to trying that wod again one day
A. 14:33 capped myself at 10 burpees
B: rx’d and all unbroken.
Fun and SUPER challenging WOD. I would like another crack at this one too Sam.
B. Had to tap out on the round of 13 burpees, cause I only got 11 done with 103m still left on the rower.
A. 3 rounds + 3 reps with parallettes to 2 ab mats, then just finished off floor + T to B rx’d.
I’d like to get my fitness back before trying this one again. Working full time again really sucks BTW.
My legs are totally blown from the wallballs on Tuesday – seriously sore – which made burpees over the rower more like the walking dead step over but bang your shin on the way over. I’m laughing right now but it’s true.
Capped the burpees at 5 because I did the math in my head and I didn’t like the answer (I was going to be there all day).
Did piked HSPU off the box and actually impressed myself on a few rounds of strict toes to bar. Had some funny looks in Safeway with my Fran cough.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!! Rum and egg nog starts now!
So I have the result for the next time.
1600 m
Made it to round 8 doing straight burpees(not over the rower since I usually just trip on the floor anyways)
When I started the 9 burpees, I made it to 5 reps and crashed and burned… sat on the floor for 15 seconds feeling sorry for my self then got back on the rower and completed the workout at 9:56.
That was terrible.