Thursday, August 6, 2009
Row 1000 m
Coach’s notes: Here’s your chance to get on the board! Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to June 6, 2009
Important Reminder – CFC is hosting a Level II certification on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 and a Level I certification on Saturday, August 15 and Sunday, August 16. Therefore a modified class schedule will be in effect during these certification times. On Wednesday there will be no 9:30 am class but the evening classes will run as scheduled and on Thursday the only class cancellation will be the 9:30 am class. On Saturday and Sunday, all classes will be cancelled with the exception of the POSE running class which will run as scheduled. Thank you for your understanding.
A rowing certification has been added to the list of certifications that CFC HQ is hosting. Click here for more detials and to register.
6am class with James: AMRAP 30 min- 15 unbroken wall ball, 15 K-E, 15 DUnders
12 rds completed, 14# wall ball
see above 6 am class
7 rounds completed + wb’s and K-E’s on the 8th (not to mention 2 failed wall balls at 12 & 14 – aagh!)
Thanks James and gang – this was a tough (but good) one! wanted to quit at about 12 minutes
ps.. nice work Taylor!
Rebecca: 6 am class – 9 rounds.
3:39.3… legs were screaming 400m in so not a great row for me
Prior to row did 1RM shoulder Press 165, Pb by 20lbs
3:23.0. PR by 0.9 second….
pace/500 for each 200m 1:38.7/1:39.5/1:41.2/1:43.7/1:44.2
30 stroke/min, damper at 5.
Next time try damper at 6
I have been defeated bu this WOD 2 or 3 times now so pretty happy to have finished. But had way too much left in the tank……
3:49.2 and still feeling ‘messed up’ (pr by 2 sec), damper 6
Nice row EE!
3:49.4 damper at 8
3:38 damper at 8 (pr by 4 sec). Hit a wall half way. Wanted to die. Recovered very fast to my surprise.
3:43.5…first 500 felt great and then it all was a blurr..thanks to Grant and Kathleen for the coaching at the end, and Chantal I never want to meet you on the floor like that again 🙂
4:10 horible
damper 8.1
feet 2
felt better doing it with a lower low stroke rate at the start when i went to a high stroke rate i crashed hard
4:29.8 (damper 3, 31s/m)
PR by 14 sec. Was really hoping for much more of an improvement. This is still one heck of a bad time!
Legs were absolutely toast after 500m. I could hardly move them, let alone push with them. Lungs and arms felt fine till the end, it was the legs that totally let me down!
Next time I’ll try a different strategy. Higher damper, and lower stroke rate. Should be interesting to see how it affects my time. This has become an experiment…
4:06 – my new post name should be Granny because that’s about as fast as I feel. I need to make friends with pain and hopefully do better next time.
Did this morning at the Y when I had a spare 5 minutes 3:48.2. Got a few funny looks during, think I may have scared a few of the members.
went back on fresher legs and re-rowed… 3:37.7