Thursday, August 5, 2010
5 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlift
20 Box Jumps
25 Pull-ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 225#, gals 155# for deadlift and 24” for box jumps. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to on July 27, 2010.
Took me 45 min! as rx’d
29:20. @185 lbs and Pull -ups assisted with blue band
31:59 @ 125 lbs; 20″ box jumps; and an assortment of band assisted pull ups.
Thank YOU, Kris and the 9:30 “gang”
Shawn kind of looks like he is doing extreme skipping or something. Happy bday Audra!!!
19:54 as rx’d. One of the worst WODs I have done in a while, thank you for keeping me going Michelle I really appreciate it (even if I didn’t look like it). Great job everyone, way to push through this one.
Oh my goodness that was a very difficult WOD. Thanks Michelle for bringing your energy and spirit to the class…we really needed it!!
Neil – as rx’d for 4 rounds – 44:28
Judy – deadlifts for rds 1 & 10 reps for rd 2 145 lbs; dropped weight to 125 lbs until 5 reps into 4th rd and then dropped to 115…ugh!!! Blueband assisted pullups. Rd 5 did 15 DL/10 Box jumps/ 10 pull-ups…ran out of time and energy…43:10
Scaled deadlifts to 125 #.
Great job Chelsea and Gina, take care of those poor hands!
I’m new to CF, and this is only my 2nd workout. Amazingly intense, and I love it. I need to continue to work on my recovery time and capacity for this much work. Thanks for pushing me.
26 min (can’t remember the seconds)
135# deadlift
24″ box jump x1 20″ box jump x 4
KB sings x 1.25 pood (have rotator cuff strain which prevents pullups)
32:10 as rx’d.
I have never cried streams of tears in a workout until today. Thanks Michelle and everyone for keeping me going through this one. These war wounds will take a while to heal!
This workout looks so good. I didn’t get back in time from working in medicine hat today, so going to try it out tomorrow at 5 or 6. Anyone want to join me?
DL 125 for the first and 115 for the last 3
20″ Box Jump
Blue for the first 2 and Blue and purple for last 3
Great workout!
Great work everyone!!!! Such a tremendous amount of heart tonight that was demonstrated in so many ways….like Arsenault focusing in the 5th round of pull ups despite torn and painful hands. The way you support and encourage one another is inspiring!
Little under the weather for this…Not that it would have mattered
Dead lift as Rx’d
Box Jump as Rx’d
Pull first two sets As Rx’d, 3 set blue band, 4-5 green band
Thanks Michelle!
Did with the Hulk a week ago, 22:15 as rx’d.