Thursday, August 20, 2009
5 rounds for time(s):
Run 200 m
15 Snatch
Run 200 m
Rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Guys use 95 lbs and gals use 65 lbs for the snatch. This is a full squat catch. Post time for each round and total time (lest rest)to complete to comments.
Snatches were not in the cards today so I sub’d Hang Power Cleans, instead.
6 a.m. class for time – each set constant movement
Bar from floor, to shoulders, then overhead (can’t remember the acronym)
21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
R = 65# 10:55
A = 37# 12:23
Plus just for fun, some AB mat situps at the end-30 seconds on 30 seconds rest X5.
Made a mistake…did Hang Cleans
with 55 lbs
Total time 31:50.
25:45 total time with rests…
was a tough WOD…the second run after the snatches was brutal…however this WOD can be done really quick…its all about the run!
61lbs – 5:02/5:03/5:22/5:08/5:00
6am class with James and Rob:
G2O – Ground to Overhead (?)
21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps, continuous, no stopping (able to break once 21 completed, 18 completed, etc.)
Weight – 42 lbs
Time 11 min, 9 sec.
*Thanks to James for the extra pushing!
29:51 total time including rests.
Weights scaled to 27Ibs for first two rounds. I increased it to 32Ibs for the next three rounds.
Tough because of flexibility issues! Still had fun!
34:25 as rx’d including the rest.
4:55/5:00/5:55/5:36/4:59 = 26:25 without the rest
For rounds 4 and 5 I think my pull was getting weaker, but I was catching it better, which made the snatches go faster. Even given your time Steve, I’m pretty sure this one isn’t all about the run.
Used 20 lbs. Working on the technical but it was heavy enough
Total 35:48 with rests
29:23 @ 38#